Meditation Themes

The Great Mystery

Dear Ones, 

I love pondering the mysteries of life, learning about and exploring the metaphysical and it feels like my curiosity here will never stop…And the more I know the more I am becoming aware of how much there is still to be known. It feels infinite. It is a mystery. The great mystery, as a part of awe and wonder which calls us to explore further and ask more questions so that we can have this eternal dialog with the Divine. 

Most of us have experienced mystery at some point of our lives. Something we couldn’t explain just with our analytical mind. Something where we felt there was more to the story than what was visible to the naked eye. Like the tip of an iceberg, we sensed reality was uncovered just partially and the rest was left to our imagination. Intentionally. And although this often doesn’t stop us from demanding answers, we can also sense that we came here to experience the mystery itself.

It’s like hide and seek we play with the Divine and I sense there is an immense value in playing this game. The same way children play it. Just for fun and delight,  just for surprise, sudden unexpected joy and laughter. It’s like we are given pieces of a puzzle one by one and as we put them together we create pictures. And each piece of the puzzle is given to us in perfect divine timing. As the divine orchestration never misses an opportunity for more play and delightful aha moments. 

We all play this game of life differently. And for most of us depending on each day too. On some days we are happy to go along with it, be playful and light about it, understanding that there is really nothing serious going on for the eternal infinite being that we are. And on some days we lose sight of what it is all about and get frustrated, too attached to outcomes, defeated or upset, temporarily forgetting that in this game of life we always have another go and so in a way we can’t ever get it wrong because we never really get it done. 

And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, choose to embrace the mystery of your life today. Choose to enjoy this divine play and know that when the time is right the next piece of the puzzle will be revealed to you. And until then relax into the knowing that you are cherished, loved and supported unconditionally…Now and always… 

I look forward to meditating with you. 

 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme The Great Mystery

On Saturday 10th June at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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