Meditation Themes

The Golden Middle Path

Dear Ones,

As we are soon reaching the peak of the year with the light expanding every day a little bit more until it reaches the longest day of the year, we are encouraged to fully trust both the light within and without and follow the natural movement forward, the expansion and stepping into the unknown. 

This natural movement forward and following the light is built in us and so it’s essentially effortless. In the same way as the seed in the ground grows up towards the light we too are naturally guided towards more light, joy and love. So it is not that complicated as the mind and the old mind programs try to tell us, at times creating disorientation within us. 

When we know unequivocally that we are ALREADY naturally guided and that the call of benevolent and loving Source never stops, we might allow ourselves to finally let go, relax and go with this innately intelligent flow of life and no longer resist it. When we do so, we allow ourselves to step into this natural stream of wellbeing and let it carry us in the right direction. And it’s a good idea to start feeling its current in our lives, becoming more familiar with it, aware of it and noticing the moments when we willingly go with it and when we resist or even fight against it, unnecessarily creating struggles in our lives.  

This doesn’t mean to live without intention and action. It rather means finding the right balance between our intentions for life and trusting life as it unfolds. And we know we found the inner equilibrium when we are clear and intentional about our lives without being too controlling or attached to the outcomes. When this happens it means we reached an inner place of true alchemy where we can literally create miracles. And it also means that we are then co-creating with the Divine both within and without as anytime we are trying to control the outcomes or become too controlling we are locked in the ego level which at its best can create only mediocrity but never true excellence. 

And so if you are inspired, dearest One, walk the golden middle way today and see what happens. 

I look forward to meditating with you. 

 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme The Golden Middle Way

Thursday 1st June at 10 am and Saturday 3rd June at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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