Meditation Themes

You Are Source and Source Is You

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Dear Ones,
you are Source in the body. An aspect of Divine manifesting as unique and irreplaceably beautiful YOU. Your spirit is absolutely sovereign and at the same time lovingly interconnected to everything and everyone in this mysterious divine play of oneness. You have within you everything you need for your journey through this human experience and so you are adequate for any situation you might encounter.

The illusion of separation might make you feel vulnerable, uncertain, insecure or even scared at times, but it’s good to remember that this is really just an illusion. It might look and feel very real that you are separate and “here on your own” but nothing could be further from the truth as your connection to Source can’t ever be cut off, simply because you are Source and Source is you… 

It seems that part of the human story is to occasionally forget this even after your initial awakening, but the good news is that just by your thought you can consciously reconnect to Source and remind yourself of what’s really going on. In those moments you could simply affirm “I am Source and Source is me”. And as you do so, allow yourself to rest in this immense unconditional love which always holds you and surrounds you. 

It is unconditional love of Source, Angels and also of your soul family – both in the physical and the non-physical. You are such a brave soul, coming here at this time of so much change and transformation, so you absolutely deserve to pause and rest in this beautiful nourishing love which is always there for you. This love will also help you to remember that you are much more powerful and capable than you might realise. In fact you are invincible!

Once you reconnect to who you truly are and to this Divine love both within and all around you, you’ll emerge into your physical world renewed and refreshed, bringing much light and joy to anyone you meet. And so learning to pause and to reconnect to your true nature whenever you need to is not only one of the greatest gifts you could ever give to yourself but also to others…

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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