Meditation Themes

Infinite Abundance

Dear Ones,
The other day we were admiring a hawthorn tree with a friend and in the moment of enchantment and appreciation for the beauty of the tree I had to think about abundance. There were so many blossoms, so many petals, it was like Mother Earth was making a statement so that we can finally get it: There is an infinite abundance and YOU are part of it. 

For many of us steeped in concepts based in lack, limitation and not-enough this is often something the mind doesn’t want to accept and believe even if presented with so many beautiful examples. Whether it’s money, time, other resources, love or good health we often unconsciously affirm that there is not enough. And because we are the only gods of our personal worlds and our word creates, whatever we affirm – whether consciously or unconsciously – shapes our external reality and we experience it over and over as all beliefs perpetuate and reinforce themselves. 

So the question is how can we finally break the spell of “not enough” in whatever area of our lives each of us experiences it? I think a good first step is starting to notice more consciously those glimpses into the structure of reality which uncover the truth that there IS more than enough for everyone. Whether it is by being in nature and noticing infinite abundance there or having an undeniable spiritual insight in your meditation practice or perhaps unexpectedly seeing the highest truth of infinite abundance through an “ordinary” life experience. When this happens, it’s good to pause, acknowledge it and affirm it. 

Awareness is a wonderful gift. When we take time to look at the personality and the particular patterns of our personality, becoming completely transparent to ourselves then literally miracles can happen. Some questions you could ask yourself to gain this clarity about yourself are: What is my life story so far? What was the year I was born about? What did people think about abundance in that year and the next 7 years afterwards? What did my parents, other relatives and teachers think about abundance? Do I still carry those beliefs? Are they really true? Could I drop them now? 

As a child you didn’t question any of those beliefs but accepted them as facts, as undeniable truth and you might on some level still operate from them, most probably unconsciously. So recognition that these beliefs are not yours, that you can drop them is a wonderful step to returning back to the truth and remembering that you already live in an abundant universe.

And the last great step to realising more abundance is repetition. You didn’t accept all the negative beliefs from one day to another, Your conditioning happened over years. It was not always direct. It often happened just by observing and unconsciously imitating those key adults in your early life. It all happened through repetition. And that’s the way back to the highest truth also. Through repetition and consistency, whether that means daily visualisation or affirmation you are reminding yourself of the truth: 

That you yourself are infinite abundance. That you already live in a benevolent, supportive Universe. That you are worthy and that you deserve to live an abundant happy life, that it’s your birthright. That when you are abundant you are not taking from anybody else because everybody has an access to the same abundance within and without. That when you thrive, when your life is abundant you teach abundance by your example and make it actually more accessible for others to tap into the same infinite resources.

It’s also good to remember that spiritual growth and awakening is not a competition. It doesn’t really matter how long it takes you to fully return to the highest truth of abundance and live an abundant life. The physical human experience we all consciously chose is about the process itself. As much value happens on this journey towards realising abundance, many important insights, more understanding of who you are and who everybody is and what is your place in the Universe. We often don’t want to hear the old saying: The journey Is the destination but the journey really is the destination 🙂 And paradoxically the more we enjoy the journey itself the quickest we’ll get to the destination.

And so let’s enjoy this journey of remembering, self-realisation and enlightenment. Are you ready? 

I look forward to meditating with you.

 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme Infinite Abundance

Saturday 27th May at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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