Meditation Themes

Self- Love

“This life is mine alone, so I have stopped asking people for directions to places they’ve never been.”  G. Doyle

Dear Ones,

As we are going through these powerful transformative times, many of us releasing old and outdated thought or behavior patterns, often connected to some major release or change in the external tangible reality, we need to ground ourselves in self-love. 

When you have a healthy loving relationship with yourself, you’ll naturally be gentle and supportive towards yourself, so that all divinely guided changes can happen with the same ease and grace like when the old leaves fall to the ground. It simply IS the right time, the next season in the circle of life, naturally bringing the renewal and rebirth. And as we are all entering this uncharted territory it’s crucial - more than ever before - to trust the wisdom of the heart. Because the sacred space of your heart is where you can hear the whisper of the Divine, guiding you lovingly and step by step forward. That’s the first and last place to seek counsel. Any external counsel will be valid to a degree that it’s truly empowering you and helping you connect to your own wisdom. So don’t get too attached to the opinions of others at this time.  

Instead rest in self-love, self-appreciation and self-respect. You, brave soul, so deserve this love of and from yourself, so don’t postpone it any longer. Give yourself a complete permission to pause and retreat to your inner sanctuary anytime you need to. This is by all means no waste of time, as when you nourish yourself through self-love, you'll naturally realign with the inner harmony and peace, so you won’t have a tendency to create or participate in any internal and external dramas, which would only drain your energy now. Especially if any old wounds get triggered, pause and allow the time for healing and rejuvenation, so that the new within you and your life can emerge fully, while the old and outdated leaves you permanently like when the cocoon falls away and finally the butterfly shows its majestic beauty. You are that butterfly and you've always been no matter how it looked on the outside. Now, spread your wings and fly, beautiful soul!

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,


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