Meditation Themes

Your Highest Vision

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakes.” Carl Jung

Dear Ones,
clarity is one of my favourite words. We all know the difference between clarity and confusion. They both seem to be part of life, before we are clear we are often confused. Having a clear vision for our lives is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. This doesn’t mean that we have to be too attached to it as often the universe has something even better for us than we could ever have thought or imagined. But the undeniable gift of a clear vision is that it keeps us focused and moving forward. Otherwise the tendency of the mind is just to observe whatever is happening in our personal lives and lives globally, automatically and unconsciously react to it and in doing so to recreate it over and over again. 

And so especially if you are right now in a very different place than you would like to be, it’s good to retreat and refocus. There are some questions you could ask yourself to become more clear. What do you want right now? What are your core values? What makes you truly happy? What brings joy and peace into your life? What interests you? What excites you? What makes your heart sing? What are you passionate about? What’s the highest vision of your life? You can just write down whatever comes to your mind, without censoring yourself or overthinking and overanalysing. You already know what your life is about and you also already know what your next step is. This is just a simple exercise to help you get in touch with your innate wisdom and impeccable inner guidance. 

Our lives unfold in cycles. And so we are again and again releasing the old and outdated and opening to the new and yet unknown. Resistance may appear as human nature often resists change, which reveals unresolved underlying fears and insecurities. So learning to recognise them is an important step in following our truest highest vision. There is no need to feel bad about discovering these fears and insecurities, they too are part of the human story. But one thing is to be aware of fear and quite another is letting it hold you back. We can release fear much more easily than we have been told. Often just simply fully accepting it, embracing it, welcoming it, will be enough to dissolve and release it.

You didn’t come here to settle. You didn’t come here to be held back by old fears. You didn’t come here to live the life others expect from you. You are an infinite eternal being of light and love and you can be, do or have anything which truly resonates with your deepest heart. You only need your own permission and your own approval, the rest will follow naturally. And so are you ready to follow the highest vision of your life, dearest One?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x 

Join us for weekly meditation Thursdays at 12.30 pm At The Open Door in Lewes and on Zoom, Fridays at 6pm on Zoom and Saturdays 11.30 am at Tree of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. I look forward to hearing from you! X

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