Meditation Themes


A grateful heart is a magnet to miracles…

Dear Ones,
gratitude has such a magical effect. It expands everything good in our lives. Just ten minutes of conscious gratitude practice a day can completely transform your life for the better as wherever you place your attention you expand it and grow it further. So when you are constant in your appreciation you are like a good gardener who looks after his garden with the best possible care. Under his loving hands everything thrives, flowers blossom abundantly, grass is evergreen and the whole garden becomes a beautiful oasis for all life, from bees to the birds singing high in the trees… 

We all have this power to transform our lives and those around us, through love, through gratitude and appreciation. And I feel it is time and it is right for us all to use it. It’s so simple. You don’t need any special education or skills to use it. You only need your willingness to try it. And you don’t even have to wait too long to notice its effects. One day you are full of appreciation and the next day or even the same day delights you with so many beautiful surprises. As what you put out comes back to you. Always. 

What I love about genuine gratitude is of course the feeling itself too. As it just makes you feel so lucky, abundant, rich, and both loved and loving, but it also trains the mind to consistently look at the positive side of life. As usually the conditioning does the opposite and makes the mind focus on what’s wrong, what’s missing and what needs to be fixed and by the law of attraction those aspects of life will be then expanded too. Unnecessarily.

Gratitude makes you remember the highest truth that your life is a gift. With gratitude you become more and more aware that even those difficult moments in life have hidden gifts because they make you grow, become more mature, strong, compassionate, understanding, loving and patient. So finally gratitude makes you realise that you are loved and cherished beyond your wildest imagination by the Divine and that there is ultimately nothing to be afraid of… 
And so are you inspired to try the magic of gratitude yourself? 

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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