Meditation Themes

Change and Transformation

Let nothing hold you back from creating the life you’ve always wanted…

Dear Ones,
One of the gifts of my spiritual growth I cherish the most is this ever growing love for myself and others. It’s like I more and more understand that I am – and everyone else too – an unique expression of Divine. This growing understanding of my true identity naturally deepens the connection to the well at the core of my heart which is nothing less than unconditional love. And this love then like the purest clearest life giving water nourishes not only me and my life but overflows into the life of those around me. For my joy and the joy of others. This natural expansion and deepening of the heart, together with expanding and deepening of clarity, freedom and authenticity is what I understand to be at the core of spiritual life and also life itself. The more we grow the more often we experience internal and consequently external changes. These changes are not only to be embraced fully but they are here to be celebrated, because you choose life every time you go with these changes. So in life we will be repeatedly asked to let go of that which is in a way of more love, more freedom and more authenticity in living and expressing our divine uniqueness. And it doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 88. Life doesn’t stop with a certain number, so this shedding of old skin, old beliefs and outdated external manifestations won’t stop…I feel we are globally just entering another powerful energy shift which asks us to embrace the change…Most of my one to one work is about helping people to align first internally with these changes so that the external ones can happen with ease, flow or even excitement and exhilaration. But that being said it’s only natural to experience sometimes “uncomfortable feelings” as we are shedding the old and stepping into the new and unknown. I am sure that when a caterpillar is transforming into a butterfly, it doesn’t always look “pretty” and “having it all together” 🙂 So you don’t have to demand it from yourself either. It is only natural to feel sometimes vulnerable when standing between the old and the new. We live in the times I perceive as the last phase of patriarchal society, which most of us gave direct or indirect messages that showing feelings, and especially feelings of vulnerability is weak and it’s better to hide them. But nothing could be further from the truth. When in my sessions people allow themselves to be completely open and show their vulnerability they sometimes worry about their tears, but to me in those moments they are just so incredibly beautiful. As when we stop hiding, when we are open, we truly are beautiful, we truly are powerful. This is one of the messages of the Divine Feminine energy, which will be emerging more profoundly with all these wonderful changes we are going through individually and collectively. So allow it emerge within you too. No matter what stage you are in – caterpillar, butterfly or anything between, if you can love yourself, be present with yourself, there is nothing to be afraid of. And allow yourself to reach for support too if you feel you need it. Again there is nothing weak about it as we all need support at times. For me it’s a great joy and a part of my life purpose to hold unconditionally loving space for you and inspire you, so I am always there for you too…The new is calling you and you know it. The higher more joyful and authentic ways of being and living are on the way. And you can trust this new completely. So don’t hold back. Now is the time…
I am looking forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

Meditation Venues:
London: Fri 28th June at 5.30 pm at Light Centre Monument, 36 St Mary at Hill,  EC3R 8DU Hove: Sat 29th June at 11.30 am at Tree of Life Centre, 143-145 Portland Rd, BN3 5QJ Lewes: Thurs 4th July at 9.30 am at Intrinsic Health, 32 Cliffe High Street, BN7 2AN

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