Meditation Themes

Letting Go

Dear Ones,In life we are repeatedly redefining who we are. And the more inner growth we experience the more often this naturally happens. And so we are constantly moving through a natural cycle on one hand of letting go and on the other hand embracing the new.

Letting go is like decluttering your space. When you let go of that which doesn’t serve you any more, you’ll feel lighter and more real and authentic. It’s like you are saying to the Universe: This is who I am now. And the Universe will reflect it back to you through your life experience. 

 Letting go will also gift you with more clarity as it presents you with an opportunity to know yourself on a deeper level and from a new point of view. And as already the ancient Greeks knew it all comes down to “know thyself”.

Letting go reconnects you to your power as it is reminding you that it is you and only you who can decide who you are and who you are not. So you no longer assign this power to anyone external. Yes, the feedback of your life and anybody in it can be always helpful if used in a positive way and so with a positive attitude you can receive a gift even from the harshest critics you might encounter. But ultimately it is you who has the power to decide who you are and who you are not.

 Letting go can certainly involve external changes such as letting go of the place where you live, your job, some of your possessions or even people in your life. But this is more of a natural consequence of what happens internally first. And so my writing to you today is an invitation to reflect on your internal landscape of your beliefs, your thoughts and your internal habitual patterns.

 Are you aware of anything at this moment you would like to let go of? Can you name it? Can you consciously release it now? Can you allow this release to be easy and effortless?  How would you feel if this is no longer present in your life? Would this be a new greater version of yourself? Can you embrace this new version of yourself fully and let it guide you forward in your life? 

Take time and allow yourself to ponder these questions from an open hearted meditative space. These questions are not an invitation for your analytical mind to get involved and busy. This is an invitation to go deeper. To let your higher self, your insights to answer them. This way the process itself will be a letting go process. To bring the invisible into the visible you could write the answers down and stay present with them as you look at them. And if you feel inspired to explore letting go in a gentle and supportive environment of our meditation group, you are very welcome to join us. 

I look forward to meditating with you!
Lots of love, Jana xx

Join Us for Meditation with the Theme of Letting Go:

Thursday 2nd March at 10* am on Zoom or Saturday 4th March at 11.30* am ot Tree of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. (* GMT)

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