Meditation Themes

Power of appreciation

Dear Ones,
I find appreciation one of the most powerful and grounding spiritual practices. The secret of secrets of a happy heart and a happy life. Especially when I feel I am losing my inner equilibrium, when my mind runs too fast ahead making me dizzy or tries to pull me into places I know won’t ever make me feel good, I know it’s time to return. Time to return to simplicity. Time to return to the core of my life and who I am. Time to count my blessings, as the English language sums it up beautifully…And I love the way gratitude makes me feel. It’s like drinking fresh cold water after a long walk in the sun or like when the Angels suddenly touch my shoulders during the healing session or meditation. It lifts my heart. It brings me back to the highest truth that all is well within me and always will be. The more I understand the law of attraction and how one magnifies anything when giving it attention – good or bad – the more I really want to master the art of appreciation. This inner commitment comes together with a deeper understanding that in life there is nothing against us but everything for us. That there is a blessing in everything that happens in our lives. The gift is either obvious or hidden. When you take your time to cultivate the feeling of appreciation, it’s going to be much easier for you to see and harness those gifts, even in the most difficult situations, because the way you look at things is everything. And as there is no better time than now, tell me what are you thankful for?
I am looking forward to meditating with you soon.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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