Meditation Themes

Power of Imagination

Dear Ones,
When I first heard about the law of attraction I got so excited about the possibilities this knowledge could create in my life and in the lives of everyone who would know about it. It was spring 2007, the beginning of my one year spiritual retreat in Scotland and seven years after I started meditating. Sometimes I can really get excited about my insights, revelations and discoveries. And this was definitely one of those moments. I would tell everyone and anyone who was willing to listen until my very dear Italian down-to-earth fellow seeker couldn’t bear it anymore and told me not to 🙂 We are all in this together and yet on our spiritual journey we each have to be ready to hear and even more ready to practice the knowledge we have. Without putting our knowledge into practice, it means nothing. It’s the same as if you would never know about it. I find that the most common obstacle with putting the knowledge of law of attraction into practice is being too down-to-earth, being too practical and realistic, which energetically means observing what is, reacting to it and therefore recreating it over and over. Different faces, different places, but essentially the same life experience. To go beyond that and really create something fresh and new, we have to remember who we are. We have to remember, that we are spiritual beings having human experience and it is our focus which determines this experience more than anything else. It is the power of our imagination as the inspiring mystic Neville Goddard puts it. And if you truly understand this innate power, you’ll start using your imagination more, while tempering the often unhelpful “power of observation” of what already exists and your reactions to it. This will require some sort of regular withdrawal from your everyday “reality”.  Meditation is one of the potent possibilities. After you’ve meditated you are ready to use this magical tool of imagination. Don’t waste it in worrying, which is imagination too. Instead create an image of what you want, go to the end result you desire and most importantly connect to the feelings. How would you feel if this is already manifested? Would you feel happy, excited or content? Connect to those feelings on a deeper level. Through your breath ground them in your heart and each cell of your body. And then let go and trust that what you’ve just done is powerful. Then just let the magic happen… Allow yourself to be who you truly are –  unlimited eternal being of light and love creating a new and happier life for yourself and everyone around you!
I am looking forward to meditating with you soon.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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