Meditation Themes

The Path of Joy

“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.” Emily Dickinson

Dear Ones,
We’ve been all conditioned into believing that to feel joy and happiness we need something external. Depending on our culture and upbringing we’ve been given images and beliefs of what it means to be happy. But maybe you too know people who brought all those images into reality but the feeling of genuine joy is somehow still missing in their lives…Following those external images can be in fact quite misleading, as what happiness means for one doesn’t necessarily have to be your happiness.

One of the many gifts of spiritual awakening is that you start rediscovering and remembering that joy is who you already are and that nothing external is required. You start rediscovering that it is all much simpler than you thought. Joy is your true nature. And when you learn to live in harmony with your authentic and unique self, joy naturally fills your life. 

You realise that it is in fact the other way round than what you’ve been told: It is not about having or achieving those external goals and THEN to feel joy. It is about connecting to your natural joyful self first and letting it guide you and determine the choices you take. Step by step you follow the path and it becomes like a treasure hunt. You quickly learn that your joyful self usually shows you only the next step, so you never quite know where exactly you “end up”. But you learnt to trust its guidance completely and your reward are many unexpected and delightful surprises.  

You notice that the ego can’t walk this path with you as it can’t bear any uncertainty at all but you already know that the price for the “safe path” is too high. The price is your joy. You already know how clever and persuasive the ego can be, guiding you towards a shiny goal telling you that once you reach it you’ll be happy forever only realising that you fell for yet another mirage and that the feeling of genuine happiness eludes you now more than ever. 

But letting joy guide you is quite a different story. Your joy teaches you that when you let go of your insistence on how things should be or how they should look like, your joy is sustained often in very surprising ways. You start embracing this expansive way of soulful living and letting go of attachment to outcomes becomes just a natural byproduct. It feels like dropping heavy baggage which now you know was never yours in the first place. You came in without any of it and one day you’ll leave the same way. The lightness of being is your way now. And you wouldn’t have any other way…

I look forward to mediating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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