Meditation Themes

Infinite Abundance

“I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe.” Louise Hay

Dear Ones,

spiritual awakening is so much about unlearning and letting go of false negative beliefs. The veils obscuring the truth are the heritage of your conditioning. They are part of this game of life, so we don’t have to judge them nor get caught in them. But when you realise that you don’t see the world as it is but as you are, you start shifting from a victim consciousness to self-empowerment and these veils become obvious to you. One by one you’ll take them off until the radiant truth shines brighter than the sun. 

And so maybe one of your veils says that there are limited resources and that there is not enough for everyone. Or maybe it says there is never enough for you personally. Another one might say that you don’t deserve to have abundance and prosperity or only deserve it if you work hard. Or maybe it says that wealthy people are not nice. Only you know what your beliefs are.  

You can ask for them to be revealed to you clearly and perhaps write them down. It only requires self honesty and if you are reading these words you are a seeker of truth and you’ll find it. Now, do you still believe those things? Are they actually true or were they just passed to you in your childhood by your parents, teachers, people around you? Do you still want to carry them or are you ready to drop them, recognising that they were never yours in the first place? 

You are free to let them go. You always have a choice. You are powerful beyond your wildest imagination, but as long as you give your power to negative beliefs you’ll empower and manifest what you don’t want to. 

Did you drop them? Do you feel lighter now and reconnected to your innate power? If yes, take it one step further. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine what infinite abundance means for you. You can go into as much detail as you feel inspired to. Let your imagination guide you. Don’t place any limitations on yourself now. How would it feel living such an unlimited abundance? Feel it in your heart. Feel it in each cell of your body. Savour it. Be it…

You’ve just reconnected to the truth of unlimited abundance within. And maybe you’ll be moved to take an inspired action in the days to follow to manifest it without. Don’t hold back now…

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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