Meditation Themes

Believe In Yourself

“I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.” Elon Musk

Dear Ones,

As we are entering the new year, many of us are recognising that we are at the same time entering a new world…Everything is changing and will continue to change. But that’s something which shouldn’t scare us or activate any insecurities. It’s good to know that we innately have everything it takes to not only bring this much needed transformation into the world through our own personal transformations but also at the same time we can still thrive…It was a conscious choice for all of us to be here at this time of a creative void and infinite possibilities and to make the most out of it, we need to – more than ever before – believe in ourselves. 

You are infinitely much greater than what your physical senses are telling you right now. And when you truly believe in yourself, when you treat yourself like your best friend, by consistently and lovingly focusing on your strengths, your gifts and talents, you naturally tap into all your inner resources and also experience the inner stability and security you seek. The chances are there are talents and gifts within you you don’t know about yet. There are there in the latent form – treasures to be still discovered by you and to be brought to the light, not only for your joy, but also the joy of others… And the global retreat we are experiencing right now is a perfect time to explore those inner gifts further, to research and study.

Your natural interest and your passion will uncover what those inner gifts are. And so what does truly interest you? What makes your heart sing? What are you passionate about? There lies your most beautiful contribution to the world community which might be much needed right now…Maybe it’s something utterly unique and original. A thought which hasn’t been thought before. A new point of view. A truly illuminating idea, invention or a creative endeavor. We are all channels of divine mind and heart and in moments of your openness and readiness you simply receive. 

You are here for a reason. You belong. Without you the exquisite fabric of existence wouldn’t be complete. Something would be missing. And so ground yourself in this deep knowing of your innate value. In other words recognise that you bring a great value into this world just by being authentically yourself in this time and space…So unveil yourself. Let yourself be seen. Let your light shine brightly. Believe in yourself, dearest One!

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,


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