Meditation Themes


Freedom is a state of mind…


Dear Ones,

I’ve been always someone who loved fairy tales. It was much later in life that I realised that the reason is not only my romantic heart but because the fairy tales are often in such a profound alignment with universal truths and you can learn from them about yourself and your life more than from any “adult stories”. One of the stories I and everyone in my country grew up with is the story of freedom. It is a story of a beautiful princess captured by a three headed dragon. The hero who’ll set for a journey to rescue her has to kill the dragon, behead all three heads and as a reward he’ll marry the enchanting princess and become the king of the whole kingdom. And that’s what we all have to do 🙂 The only thing in the way of ultimate freedom and happily ever after is this three headed dragon. The first head is your doubt, the second head is your worry and the third is your fear. As within so without, so all limitations have their root within and not in the external reality no matter of outside appearance. Your doubt might manifest as a delay of something you want, your worry as an obstacle and your fear as someone who holds you “in prison”. But all characters in your story are in a way “just” actors and you and only you are the author of your story. No one can take this author right away from you as it is an innate gift of your eternal divinity. So don’t feed the three headed dragon any more, if you do he will only become bigger and stronger. Every time you are in doubt, worry or fear that’s exactly what you are doing, feeding him…And I know in my heart that YOU can be like the brave hero from my childhood story. You can win, you can conquer and your rewards will be plentiful. So in this moment I see you reaching this goal…Taking your freedom back. Because in truth YOU ARE FREE. You’ve always been and you’ll always be free…I am looking forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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