Meditation Themes

Embracing Your Greatness

“When you realise your own magnificence, you will only attract magnificence into your life.” Anita Moorjani

Dear Ones,
self-love in the ultimate meaning of the word is a recognition that you, in your human form right now, are a manifested aspect of Divine. Yes, you might need to first heal your wounds and embrace your shadow side to be able to feel and see your true identity of total love and light, but in the end you are much bigger, greater and magnificent than any of your present conceptions of yourself. You are much more than your eyes can see or your logical mind comprehend. And that innate greatness trumps everything. If you let it…
This is not to be confused with narcissism, as once you get a glimpse of your true identity, you’ll see it in everyone around you too. So in opposite to narcissism which divides and creates an unhealthy sense of superiority, true self-love and recognition of one’s magnificence – and therefore recognition of the same in all human beings no matter of their current appearance – connects and creates bridges between people, races, classes, genders, nations and religions. 
When you start focusing more on the bigger vision of who you are, your amazing potential and all your latent gifts and talents start surfacing, together with more love, joy and genuine happiness. By law of attraction you’ll then magnetise ideas, people, work, living situations and other circumstances, which also dwell in those high vibrations. At the same time you do so also for the collective consciousness. You are one of those bridges which the world needs right now. So it’s time to embrace your true magnificence, your greatness. You see it’s not selfish at all, it’s a gift to yourself and everyone else! 
I am looking forward to meditating with you soon.
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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