Meditation Themes


“The moment of surrender is not when life is over. It’s when it begins.” Marianne Williamson 


Dear One, 

Any true transformation always means becoming a higher expression of yourself and it also involves being in a sacred void of the unknown. The vast space of potentiality and fertile blackness from which everything emerges. It is something to trust, something to embrace and let it be…The realm of no shape no detail where anything and everything is possible…

So if you find yourself there right now, dear One, ungrasp your hands holding so tightly to the familiar and known and enjoy the exhilaration of a free fall. If you can do it, you mastered surrender. One of the greatest arts I personally aspire to. As most of us have been conditioned to constantly control everything in our lives, most of all the outcomes, and so many becoming nearly control freaks somewhere along the way. Afraid that if they lose control, their lives will just fall apart…And although “falling apart” might be a temporary stage of a transformation, without a wholehearted surrender, the “new” will be just some version of the old. A mere rearranging of surfaces. A missed opportunity…

A total surrender to the Divine Intelligence and Infinite Love on the other hand holds a potential of nothing less than miracles, brilliant ideas, answers and solutions we’ve never thought of before. The choice is as always up to you as no one can take your free will away from you. But I encourage you today to truly take the opportunity, trust and relax into the creative void. And I know it will be easier for you to do, if you know from your own meditative experience who you are surrendering to. If you had the magical privilege to truly feel the immense unconditional love which always surrounds you, you WILL let go and fall…Into the softest sweetest arms which ever held you…The loving arms of Mother Universe…Are you ready? 

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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