Meditation Themes

Unconditional Happiness

“Like a fragrance to a flower, true happiness is an expression of your unconditional self. “ Robert Holden

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Dear One, 

You probably noticed too, that even at best of times some people will still find reasons to complain and on the other hand there are those who are able to find joy and happiness under any and all circumstances. So it is obvious then that true happiness is NOT dependent on the external world…Although we are all conditioned by the current society “wait for something good to happen“ to feel joy, it’s now time to fully realise that this is backwards and will only make you a slave to the conditions of your life….

True happiness is a conscious choice. It is a deeper understanding that life is a gift and if you are not living it that way, you are missing the point…I think one of the blessings of this historic time we are going through right now is the opportunity to reconnect to life and joy of living in a new and more real way…Putting your values in the right order, recognising what truly matters to you now and what is outdated and doesn’t resonate with you any more or is a mere distraction….There is a high chance that your values are changing now, so allow some time to fully recognise this and integrate it into the core of your life. As a happy life always means living in an alignment with your values. 

Everything you seek in the external world is already within you. So take time daily to connect to the depths of your heart through the tools of meditation and connecting to Source and the highest vision of your life. And if you are truly connecting to that vision, you’ll feel joy now. Activating the happiness within…

Once you are stable in your inner unconditional happiness, the happy conditions will follow too in perfect divine timing, and with the same stability you achieved within. It is the powerful law of attraction in action. But knowing the right order of things will forever empower you, and you’ll be less and less inclined to assign your happiness to anyone or anything external…As you now know exactly the roots of your happiness. 

Paradoxically, this is when you’ll manifest the best relationships, because they will no longer be based in your insecurities or need of an external approval…The most exciting work projects can reach you, because you chose to consistently live from the authenticity of your heart rather than external “should and shouldn’t” and you’ll experience many delightful synchronicities…Life is a gift and you know it so clearly now, that every day feels like unwrapping another gift..

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,

Jana x x 

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