Meditation Themes


As the first day of Spring is quickly approaching which naturally starts the more outward extroverted cycle of the year, the last days before that offer an immense opportunity to have a final look inwards and let go of anything which doesn’t serve us anymore and what we don’t wish to take forward into the next cycle of life. One of the most well known ways to do so is through forgiveness. 

Whether we need to forgive ourselves or someone else, when we forgive we are giving ourselves a wonderful gift of letting go, freedom, lightness and consequently more joy and happiness. As unforgiveness punishes only us as it holds us in lower energies and pushes away any potential new wonderful opportunities. 

We are all “work in progress” and I more and more understand that the evolutionary progressive part of us is infinite and so there will always be something more we can learn and “improve”. In that way forgiveness is making peace with this unfinished aspect of ourselves and others. When we forgive we are saying “I acknowledge this, I make peace with the reality as it is” and paradoxically everytime we do so our reality starts shifting into something better. 

Forgiveness opens our heart more and when the heart is wide open then it can finally truly heal. And so forgiveness is an opportunity to release any old suppressed emotions such as hurt, resentment, anger, sadness or grief which often unconsciously negatively influence our body, mind and spirit. And so in that way forgiveness is a powerful healer, clearing us on a deep level so that we can naturally access more energy and vitality. 

Finally forgiveness helps us to transform any difficult past experience into wisdom and compassion. It helps us understand others when they are going through similar experiences but because we are no longer stuck in the past we can help and inspire others to move from darkness to light, from suffering to joy. And so we naturally bring more light and hope into the world and the world reflects it back to us. 

And so dearest One, are you ready to forgive now? If yes, you are very welcome to join our beautiful meditation group this week and let the supportive energies of the group help you to encounter forgiveness as a healing and heart opening experience. I look forward to meditating with you!

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

Join Us for Meditation with the Theme Forgiveness

Thursday 16h March at 10* am on Zoom or Saturday 18th March at 11.30* am ot Tree of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. (* GMT)

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