Meditation Themes

Follow Your Passion

“I have to face life with a newly found passion. I must rediscover the irresistible will to learn, to live and to love.” Andrea Bocelli

Dear One, 

I love the way passion guides me in all areas of my life. Now more than ever before as I am further on my life and spiritual journey, I truly treasure and trust that which ignites passion in my heart…In the world where many get distracted by countless pulls of a complex modern life and often get lost in superficiality, staying connected to your heart requires an inner discipline of consistently giving attention to what is worthwhile, meaningful and brings true joy to you. 

It requires to learn to trust yourself and your inner guidance completely, as what’s meaningful to another might be without meaning to you. Only you know and the Divine within you, always guiding you forward if you are willing to listen…But you’ll only be able to hear the sacred voice within accurately if you let go of your unworthiness and need to justify your value to the external world. Once you leave that old distorted pattern behind and move towards loving and respecting yourself unconditionally, recognising the Divine within you (and everyone else), you’ll not only hear the call of your passion, but you’ll also feel worthy of it and allow yourself to follow it with a true commitment. This will be a natural commitment of your deepest heart and not an empty obligation to meet someone else’s expectation of you…

Once you experience the joy of living in a deepest alignment with your truth, there is no going back. Your sensitivity becomes fine tuned helping you nearly instantly recognise what belongs to you and what doesn’t and you’ll experience the beauty and power of simplicity. People, work projects, places etc. which are not in alignment with your true self will leave your life experience and a higher level of harmony and peace emerges within you. And most of all a new depth and fullness of your life. Your heart is on fire, and you wouldn’t have it otherwise!

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!
Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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