Meditation Themes


Let the water settle; you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your being.” Rumi


Dear One,

Sometimes the best thing you could do is just resting in stillness…Stillness like a divine mother embraces you gently…She knows what’s on your heart and mind, as you are forever connected through the bond of unconditional love…And so she doesn’t need to ask you anything and stir all your questions and worries again…She just simply opens her arms and invites you into her sacred stillness of knowing and resting…So that you can remember the art of being again…Being in a divine communion with the present moment, its wholeness, its majesty and its healing. 

The divine mother only asks you to stop, to pause, to retreat when you need to….So that when you emerge into the world again you are refreshed and renewed and your inner light can naturally regenerate everything and everyone around you…

Can you imagine the world where everybody would recognise and honour their need to retreat, returning over and over again with the brightness of their light? Would you like to live in such a world? 

You are a powerful being of light and love and you CAN set this quiet revolution into motion through your own example…Right now…

And so dive into the stillness, dearest One…

I look forward to meditating with you soon,

Lots of love,

Jana xx

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