Meditation Themes


“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie

Dear One,
I love the early autumn feeling… There is ripeness in the air. Sweet smell of apples ripening and things coming a full circle once again. Harvest. Gratitude for all the blessings of life. Gratitude for everyday little miracles, so that the “big ones” can arrive with the same ease.

And it is the grateful humble heart I seem to treasure more and more every year. It is the true abundance of those who eagerly appreciate what so many take for granted. The sunrise, the first autumn leaf in its graceful spiral movement, the hills covered with mist early in the morning…

I know it’s a miracle of awakening. The more one awakens to the gift of life, the more is revealed. And it almost feels like a completely new world is being revealed. But awakened eyes simply see more than the closed eyes of those who became immune to the beauty and bounty around them…

You become what you think…And your thinking followed by your feelings leaves energetic and very real footprints for others to follow. Yes, you have many things to choose from as you live in complex modern times, but the choice is still yours and could be quite simple really. You can go with what the majority ponders right now and add to the footprints of worry and fear. Or you could leave footprints of gratitude and appreciation, so that many more can find their way back home and back to the truth of who they are.

The choice as always is yours…And I know you’ll choose wisely, dearest One.

I look forward to meditating with you!

 Lots of love,

Jana x x 

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