Meditation Themes


“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” Mary Davis

Dear Ones,

if there is a magic wand which can change your state of being, your energy profoundly and often instantly, it is gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness…And as the time of winter solstice and Christmas is also a time of enchantment, childlike wonder, miracles and wishes come true, let’s wave this magic wand of gratitude together…

No matter how challenging this year might have been for you, if you can also find the blessings it brought you, you are bringing much needed light, hope and wisdom not only into your own life but also of those around you. To me this was a year of much inner growth, which often involves some growing pains, but ultimately means the next step of our evolution, both personal and collective. The new clarity of what is now wanted and what is to be released is one of the more obvious blessings. But there is more…And it’s good to know that what is uncomfortable for the small controlling ego, is great for the soul. We often recognise and appreciate it later, once all the inner changes are fully integrated…To me this was a year of awakening…

And as you start awakening to the truth of who you are, one thing becomes really obvious to you: We don’t see things as they are, but as we are. Each state of being reflected into the feeling or mood allows you to perceive certain things and certain things become literally invisible. And so you will rendezvous with thoughts, ideas, people, circumstances which match your energy (your feeling/your mood). Like attracts like or with other words “that which is like unto itself is drawn.” It is not personal, it happens to all of us. And we all experienced it. On a good day, when you feel great everything just flows wonderfully. You bump into the people you want to see, you get a great idea, things just get better and better. And it’s quite a different story when you have a bad day. And it’s good to be aware that both days started with you. With your feelings. With your mood. With your energy…

And although we are all powerfully conditioned to wait for something external to happen to change the way we feel, this is a very disempowering way of living, where one – often unconsciously – lives as a victim of circumstances, constantly giving power away to something or someone external. A true self-empowerment on the other hand happens when you realise that everything you seek already exists within you and that you can activate any state of being just by your choice, by your focus, by your perspective. And it is you only who can change your perspective, although far too many get in an unfortunate habit keeping others responsible for the way they feel…And yes others can inspire you, yes others can show you by their example, but it is you only you who has the key to your true happiness.

And this key could be gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness. I have to say it really became one of my very favourite states of being. And I have to also admit it took me some time to truly understand how powerful gratitude is. But now I know that if there is true richness, true abundance, it is the abundance of those who live predominantly in a state of appreciation. It is one of the highest perspectives available to all of us. In each moment we are grateful we are also connected to the truth of what life really is about – a gift. And when you feel a genuine feeling of appreciation, your own cup is full and will be filled by the universe again and again, so you’ll never be thirsty again. 

But don’t take my word for it. Gratitude is a very practical thing. Take just five to ten minutes a day to connect to the genuine feeling of appreciation and see what happens. And don’t get discouraged if it feels unfamiliar at first. If you haven’t been feeling much grateful lately – no matter how justified you might be – you haven’t developed this inner muscle and it’s going to take a little bit of practice. But it’s so worth it! The simple humble feeling of appreciation and gratitude has the power to completely transform your life…And there is no better time than now…
I look forward to meditating with you!

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