Meditation Themes

Abundance & Prosperity

“I am one with the Power that created me. I am totally open and receptive to the abundant flow of prosperity that the Universe offers. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask. I am Divinely guided and protected, and I make choices that are beneficial for me. I rejoice in other’s successes, knowing there is plenty for us all.”  Louise Hay

Dear Ones,
prosperity and abundance like anything else in our lives is a matter of perspective. And because this theme is so closely connected to our everyday lives we all have given it many thoughts, some of them helpful and some less so. Our own personal abundance/lack story started with our parents and their approach. And because children till the age of 6 or 7 don’t have a developed analytical mind, they accept anything anyone tells them as true. So any statements of prosperity or lack of it are also accepted as true and become then part of our subconscious mind, our programming we can say.

But that seems to be just part of the game of life we all play, so we don’t have to feel discouraged if we didn’t receive the best programs of abundance. The soul is always free and in any moment the awakening starts and we seek liberation, we are already on the way “back home”. No need to blame our parents either. I sense we choose our parents as they provide something that we need, the areas the soul wants to grow, no matter how it looks on the surface. And apparently 75 % of super high achievers had a difficult childhood in some ways. So a perfect childhood is not necessarily that crucial for a happy fulfilling life.

To bring liberation into this area of our lives, it’s good to ground ourselves in self-love first. I noticed that only when we love ourselves we are able to see ourselves clearly. If we already love ourselves as we are, we won’t take it too personally if we realise any unwanted beliefs we might unconsciously hold onto nor will we be in denial of them. 

The next step is to accept whatever we notice. Not pushing against it. As energetically what you resist persists. There is truly an immense healing power in acceptance. It is not giving up on what you want. It is making peace with the present moment and with yourself. So in this case you could focus on any limiting/negative beliefs, thoughts, feelings relating to abundance, prosperity and money and then just let them be. Even welcoming them and embracing them. Then you can ask yourself: Could I let it (the feeling, the thought, the belief) goCould I let it go a little bit more? And a little bit more? While you ask yourself these questions, don’t let your mind get in the way. Just simply BE with the question. Just notice your inner being gently opening and releasing. The last question you can ask yourself is: Could I open to the possibility of more abundance in my life? Again just be with the question and notice your inner being opening and welcoming more abundance into your life…This is a simple yet quite powerful inner exercise we are going to do in this week’s meditation, as the group energy is so supportive and helpful. 

Lastly it’s good to relax in the deep knowing that your true self is much greater than any limiting beliefs you might – often unconsciously – hold onto. Your true self is free, limitless, pure potential. It is only you who can place any limitation on yourself by believing it to be true. And it is you and only you who can set yourself free again. Are you ready?

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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