Meditation Themes

Sweet Surrender

Dear Ones,
I feel the more we understand and embrace our true nature, the more blissful our life experience can become…When you know with no doubts that you are this limitless infinite eternal being having a human experience, with biblical words you are building your house on the solid rock and not on sinking sand. As when you are crystal clear about what is permanent and what is transient, you not only no longer confuse one with the other, but the transient is no longer seen as a problem or lesser. You embrace it fully for what it is, a beautiful forever changing world of appearances…A stunning rose in the glory of its bloom, your child’s first teeth, the red and yellow autumn leaves falling to the ground in the November wind… 
To me personally, the more I am awakening to the truth of who I am, the more beauty I can see within everyone and everything…Especially in spring, and especially in the beautiful Sussex where I live now for years, the spring always takes my breath away. It’s like a celebration of earthly existence… It’s like Source is giving life to so many colours, to so many flowers, just for our delight, just to let us know how much S/he loves us, cherishes us, guides us, and takes care of us…It’s like a love letter from the Divine…
I noticed that the more awakened we are, the less we take anything or anyone for granted…Everything becomes a gift and life becomes the sweetest prayer…And even the challenges of life are then seen as gifts. Maybe less obvious ones, but by no means less precious. Because if we become too complacent, too comfortable then we are like sleepwalkers, repeating today what we did yesterday with no real passion with no real reverence for life…So then a challenge might just be what we need to awaken…Awaken once again to the miracle of life…
And so I am learning to surrender to the Divine…It’s now much easier than anytime before, because I just know now deep in my heart that everything that happens to us is for our highest good…No matter how it looks on the surface of creation, this world is made of love and love holds everything together…Forever…

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!
 Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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