Meditation Themes


“Respect your uniqueness.
Drop comparison.Relax into your being.”

Dear Ones,
respect for all life always starts with the respect we have for ourselves…When we are blessed with seeing the world from the highest perspective, we realise that everything is as it should be. In this highest point of view it is not the mind speaking. The mind is at rest and the Divine sees her/his own creation through our eyes. And from this highest point of view we can see that everything and everyone belongs. 

There is no pushing against anything, there is no judgement of anyone. There is only love, understanding and compassion for all life. There is a deep knowing that nothing has gone wrong as the world of appearances is always in motion, evolving, balancing and healing itself whenever needed. The respect for all life naturally emerges. 

It turns also inwards, self-respect as self-love in action. We respect our unique personality and life journey so far, the past and also the present moment. We respect both our Divinity and our humanity. And we know that we don’t have to be perfect to deserve this respect. On the contrary we understand that respect always helps us to reconnect to the light within and makes us thrive while the reverse is also true. Where there is no respect, nothing and no one can truly flourish. 

And so dearest One, just take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax into this sacred respect for yourself. Whatever is happening in your life right now, just embrace it with respect for yourself. It will heal you, it will nourish you, it will point you in the right direction. And it will also ripple into the collective consciousness making it easier for others to respect themselves. 

Can you imagine how it would be like to live in a world where everyone respects everyone? Are you ready to join this quiet revolution?

I look forward to meditating with you!

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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