Meditation Themes


“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” Rumi

Dear Ones,
something truly amazing happens when we learn to love ourselves truly and unconditionally…We heal within whatever needs healing and the highest version of who we are starts emerging naturally and effortlessly…Very often and unconsciously we have it the other way round: When I am the best version of myself, then I will give myself approval and love myself completely. But this is an illusion as we are all “work in progress” and as there will always be another higher version of ourselves, the promised self-love keeps being out of reach.

I sense the reason why this unconscious pattern is present within many of us is that very few of us received completely unconditional love from those around us, whether parents, teachers or wider family. Often with the best intentions but with their own unresolved issues around love and worthiness, they projected the same conditional love on us. And although this seems to be an inevitable part of the human story at this point of time, we can all start loving ourselves unconditionally right now and teach by example what true love means. 

Clear seeing is the first step, becoming more aware of what’s happening within, always reconnects you to your innate power and gives you the key to solutions. So if you feel inspired, take time this week to become more aware of your inner monologue. What do you think about yourself? How do you talk to yourself? How do you treat yourself? Also notice any feelings. For example, do you feel guilty, defensive if you don’t live up to your expectations? Do you try to justify yourself to others?

It can also be quite enlightening to become more aware of how you relate to others, both internally, in your thoughts and feelings and also externally, through your words and actions. As this will also reveal the relationship you have with yourself. The more self- acceptance you have for yourself the more you’ll be naturally accepting of others and vice versa. 

Revealing more and more self-love in your life is such a beautiful journey…It is a journey to your heart and to your natural happy self, so it’s absolutely worth it, no matter how long it takes…When you let self-love grow in your heart, the inner critic disappears and joy returns to all areas of your life. Unconditional love is already there at the core of who you are. It is your true nature and so this is a sacred journey of remembering and returning back home…Are you ready?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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