Meditation Themes

Embracing The Unknown

“Always remember deep in your heart that all is well and everything is unfolding as it should…” Robert Adams

Dear Ones,
Sometimes we might feel uncertain about our path in life. Especially if we don’t see the next step as clearly as we would like to. But every time we are stepping into a new uncharted territory it will naturally feel like that. It will feel like we can’t quite predict what’s going to happen next. In those times it’s good to pause and remember that we live in a loving and supportive universe and everything here is for us and nothing against us. In those times it’s good to ground ourselves in the deep knowing that we are loved unconditionally by the Divine and that we are guided and safe no matter what the unknown brings.

I wish primary schools would offer education which would really help everyone to live a happy life. Imagine having a subject “Embracing the unknown” where the teacher would teach you that it’s OK for you to step into the unknown your whole life, not just in your youth. That the unknown is a source of growth, inspiration and adventure and without those elements your life would become dry and joyless. S/he would teach you also about trust. About trust in life, in yourself and in Source. And so you would learn right at the beginning of your life to make friends with the unknown. You would learn not to hold back but let your life be the grand adventure that it’s meant to be…

I believe in the next decades we will witness all old systems – from the school and health care systems to the economic and governmental structures dismantling as they are outdated and based in fear and limitation while the new ways of being and living based in truth and love will emerge gradually. So in a way we are the brave souls who live between those two worlds. By listening to and following our individual truths and who we are becoming we will naturally bring the needed change into the world. And so that’s why it’s so important now to embrace the unknown and not try to repeat the past but instead let our inner genius guide us fearlessly forward. Trusting each step we take,  wholeheartedly trusting the adventure ahead…Are you ready?

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, Jana xx

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