Meditation Themes

Believe In Yourself

Dear Ones,

I was listening to an interview with Barbra Streisand the other day and felt so inspired by her life. Real life often creates even more astounding stories than fiction. This is a story of someone who came from a very humble or even adverse background and against all odds achieved not only great success but also fulfillment and personal happiness. Growing up without a father and with a mother who didn’t really believe in the creative talents of her daughter, Barbra still reached heights not many people do: She had to learn to believe in herself and pursue her dreams despite what people around her thought was possible for her. And so she did.

Her story is a great testament to all of us telling us that we each only need our own approval. And when we believe in ourselves we CAN bring our dreams into reality no matter how far-fetched they might seem to others. Life itself already is on our side and when we become our own best friend or even our own biggest fan truly magical things can happen. We finally open the door to possibility and realise that the possibilities really are infinite. 

When we start understanding who we are, that we are forever connected to Source, that we are in fact an unique expression of Source, we embrace our talents and gifts in a new powerful way. Our confidence is no longer superficial, grounded only in transient external things such as approval of others but instead it’s rooted in the unshakable truth of who we are. And the deeper we truly understand our eternal infinite nature and the gifts we bring into our physical life the deeper the roots of our confidence are. 

We usually comprehend the highest truth of our identity in layers. But in the moment we fully embrace our Divine origin we cannot help but be in awe of our physical life, our personality and our unique gifts and talents. And this inner recognition and acknowledgement is like a fertile ground for us to not only grow our talents and gifts further but also share them with the world community: We finally believe in ourselves and the light of our unique self shines brightly not only for our own joy but joy of all. 
And so are you ready to embrace your light fully, dearest One? 

I look forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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