Meditation Themes

Abundance For All

Dear Ones,

I see the future generations and future Earth living in absolute abundance. I see human beings growing and expanding into a deeper understanding that there already is enough for everyone. And as the external world is a reflection of the internal one this inner acknowledgment will create the external evidence of this ultimate truth. 

Many of you who are reading these words right now are progressive thinkers, ahead of your time, and in that sense already the wayshowers for others. And there is no better teaching than by example: You are one of those who could already start manifesting the New Earth where peace, prosperity and well-being is available for everyone and not just for a privileged minority. 

Your focus and your imagination is one of the greatest powers you already possess as all your creations – both individual and collective – start there. So how are you using them right now? Are you imagining solutions or are you preoccupied with problems? Are you empowering yourself and others or draining your energy through worrying and overthinking? 

There is no need to judge yourself. This is just a gentle reminder for you to refocus and reset if you need to. Your power is too precious to dissipate it in negative thinking. Especially as it can be used not only to make your own life better but also for a greater good. And if you are still reading these words you already care not only for your personal well-being but also for the greater well-being. 

One of the reasons for this might be that you already deeply understand what Oneness really means. That there is only One manifested as many and that we are all already interconnected through the invisible web of unconditional love which holds everything together. And so logically what you do for others you also do for yourself. And what you do for yourself you also do for others. 

When you focus on the greater good you magnify your own power too as at that moment you reconnect to the greater YOU which is EVERYONE. And so if you truly want to shift anything in your life imagine you are shifting it for others as well, helping anyone who asks for the same positive outcome right now. And when you do so you might notice that the things in your own life change rapidly too. But if you could imagine greater good for others with “no strings attached” it would be even more powerful as it would come from pure unconditional love. The greater focus is especially helpful and effective when we would like to shift any “stubborn” negative beliefs: Many of us were brought up and conditioned to believe that there are limited resources, that there is never enough, that we have to work very hard for the good in our lives, that we are not deserving of great wealth, that wealthy people are bad, that money is evil etc.  You fill in the blanks. Most people at this point of human evolution have their own version of the limiting belief connected to abundance. 

But at these times of change and transformation we are invited to question these beliefs rather than blindly accepting them as facts and acting from them. We are asked to boldly move beyond any old negative beliefs and start opening to greater abundance on all levels than we’ve ever experienced before. We are asked to expand first in our minds and hearts the idea of what is truly possible and then start taking action from a place of possibility and no longer limitation.  

So if you feel inspired, dearest One, take a deep breath now, close your eyes and let your imagination create a vision of you already living in absolute abundance whatever that means for you personally. How would it feel?  Then expand the vision further and imagine all human beings in all continents, all countries already living in absolute abundance. Now stay there for a little longer, bask in the feeling of prosperity, well-being, peace, freedom and love for everyone. Allow your mind and heart expand further than ever before and then allow this to naturally infuse any action you are inspired to take. 

I look forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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