Meditation Themes

Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Dear Ones,

I feel humanity is now reaching an important milestone when we start recognising fully that diversity is strength and enrichment. We start understanding more and more that each of us is like a piece of the puzzle, uniquely shaped and if we can trust the shape we are, we fit effortlessly with all the other pieces of the puzzle. And together we are greater than just the sum of the parts, together we create a magnificent picture. A picture to which everyone belongs and no one is excluded. In fact if only one piece would be missing, the whole picture would be incomplete. 

Each of us is an unique aspect of the Divine. Each of us is an original as the Divine seems to love expressing herself in countless unique ways. Each of us has something very unique to offer to humanity and also unique ways of expressing these gifts. We only need to learn to trust and love our uniqueness so all the gifts and talents can be expressed freely, effortlessly and joyfully. And to be able to do so, we have to release any old programs of judgement. unworthiness and comparing ourselves to others. This is especially essential for those of us who were always a little bit “different” from others and perhaps experienced judgement and direct or indirect pressures to “fit In” .

Through life experience many of us have already reached the clarity that we can’t be genuinely happy if we don’t allow ourselves to be fully who we are. It seems to be a simple equation: genuine authenticity equals genuine authentic happiness. In other words the most painful thing is trying to be someone we are not. Perhaps something many of us  experienced in our teenage years. 

Self-love is the key to not only accepting but loving and cherishing our uniqueness. And in fact when we love our uniqueness, others can appreciate it too. It becomes then energetically more visible to others that our individuality, our uniqueness is our greatest gift to humanity: Our uniqueness and individuality contributing to a greater whole. And when we love our uniqueness we’ll be able to equally cherish and love the uniqueness of others and in doing so actively co-creating a peaceful world where everyone is acknowledged and everyone’s contribution is valued and cherished. 

Lastly, understanding, appreciating and loving our uniqueness will activate and make more clear for us what we are here to do, our direction in life. We become more aware of our unique gifts and also the unique ways we naturally want to express them. As the old saying goes, know thyself is the key here. 

And so dearest One, if you feel inspired, recognise, acknowledge and celebrate your uniqueness today and always. There is no one like you in the whole Universe! I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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