Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,

One of the gentlest and at the same time the most powerful tools to change anything in our lives for the better is gratitude and appreciation. You only need to be genuine and consistent in your appreciation to create real magic: By the powerful law of attraction wherever you place your focus, you place your energy and expand it further. And so when you appreciate, you naturally attract more to be appreciated. 

When we feel genuine appreciation we at the same time practice the power of a pure positive thought and a positive state of mind. And the more we practice those, the easier it is to think the next positive thought. When we follow the natural harmonious path of least resistance, there is no forcing but gradual expansion and gathering of positive momentum. The path of least resistance is the path of nature and the Universe which always works in the most efficient ways. And when we allow ourselves to follow it too, we synchronise with the magical supportive forces of the cosmos.

In this way we create change in a gentle, efficient and effortless way, one step at a time without depleting our precious energy through pushing against the resistance. And at some point the positive momentum of appreciation gathers power to such a degree that literally miracles are possible. We then experience the truth that the greatest power requires the lightest touch.  
Gratitude also reminds us that we already live in a benevolent, supportive and loving Universe. But because the Divine didn’t create us as slaves, we each have a free will to decide for ourselves if we live in a loving or hostile universe. Because we are ultimately free, we all have the ability to disagree 

even with the highest truth and instead of gratitude and appreciation we can choose to complain, focus on what’s wrong or even on the worst case scenarios. But each choice we make has natural consequences and is in fact a creative act creating our reality.

And so if you become aware that you’ve been lately focusing too much on problems and issues and by doing so you perhaps unwillingly created more of them, most likely this might not even feel to you that it was your choice. Perhaps it feels to you that you are not choosing your thoughts but they are choosing you. It’s good to be aware that the early conditioning sets the scene of our lives and creates habits and repetitions in the way we think, feel and act and so many people lose their free will essentially to a program. 

So if this scenario is familiar to you, I am here to remind you to take your power and freedom back. To take your free will back and exercise it a little bit rather than just automatically think the same thought today you thought yesterday and in doing so recreating your reality without a real positive change: Different places, different faces but essentially the same life experience. 

Your life is too precious to let the habitual ways of your mind take over and lead you to places you don’t really want to go. So I am here to remind you that you are powerful beyond your wildest dreams: You are a unique aspect of the Divine and all the powers of the Divine are within you. Right now. They always have been there and always will be there. You might forget and fall asleep to the truth of who you really are. but because life, the Universe, Source is always on your side, there will always be someone or something to remind you, to awaken you.And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, awaken fully to your Divinity and wave the magic wand of gratitude and appreciation today and see what happens. You deserve to live the life of your dreams and you might be much closer to it than you think. 

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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