Meditation Themes

The Power Within You

Dear Ones,

Your perspective is everything. On your journey of awakening you start remembering who you are and how much you are loved unconditionally and always guided and supported. You remember that you are an unique aspect of the Divine and that there is a gift within everything in your life including all your current challenges. You remember that it is really not about what’s happening, but about your perspective and your reaction to what’s happening. And the moment you remember this you start owning your power completely and stop giving it away to other people, circumstances or events. 

It is indeed a glorious moment when you truly remember how powerful you are and that everything in your life starts with you. You remember that the same power which is within the Divine is within you too. You remember that no one and nothing can take this power away from you, only if you give it away yourself, whether consciously or unconsciously. And you realise that when you stop giving your power away, you will have plenty of it to create a life you love.

This sounds very simple and it is, so don’t let your mind complicate things. Just be gentle with yourself as you are finding your way back to your innate Divine power. The integral part of the human story we all willingly took on is forgetting who we are and believing that we are separate and limited. And so as you are resting in a loving compassion for yourself it’s good to remember that you didn’t take on all limiting beliefs at once. It was a matter of years. Before our critical mind is fully developed around the age of 7 we accept all beliefs we are given by adults and society around us as facts. So one by one, belief by belief we start taking on the cloak of limitation and gradually forgetting our Divine origin. And although a radical awakening can happen to you when you remember fully who you are in one single moment, for most of us it is a gradual process. Belief by belief we are giving them back to where they came from till we can see the bare magnificent truth of who we are and the unlimited power we all possess.  

And as we are all at different stages of this journey of remembering, full self-empowerment and enlightenment, it’s good to be clear and notice when we might temporarily reverse to the old ways of being in the world which is represented by victim consciousness. Until we fully own our power there might be for some time a pendulum movement between those two points – on one end victimhood and on the other end full self-empowerment. Our awareness, being fully transparent to ourselves, will always guide us in the right direction, so as long as we are being truthful with ourselves we can’t get lost and lose direction. 

To bring more understanding to this journey it might be helpful to be clear which states represent victimhood consciousness and which self-empowerment. Victimhood often manifests as complaining, blaming (others and/or self), criticising, feeling sorry for yourself, making excuses, trying to manipulate others and circumstances, not believing in self, putting yourself or others down, being hard on yourself or others, believing that life is hard, being arrogant, believing in lack etc. Self-empowerment manifests as knowing that you are free and always have a choice, knowing your self-worth and also valuing others, knowing that you deserve a happy and fulfilled life, giving yourself permission to follow your passion, respecting yourself and others, empowering yourself and others etc.  

Again be gentle with yourself as you become increasingly aware when you or others are on either side of this spectrum. The journey of awakening is a journey of love and compassion and not judgment. But it is truly one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself to notice whenever you are in victimhood consciousness, recognise that this is not true but illusionary and simply drop it. 

You can get better and better at this, it only requires some practice. It’s good to be also aware that the more you love yourself the less you’re going to take anything you might notice about yourself personally and at the same time the more truthful you’ll be able to be with yourself. And so let love guide you and nourish you. Allow it to fill your heart and be your guiding star. Then you’ll never get lost in the dark, dearest One… I  look forward to meditating with you.

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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