Meditation Themes

Inspired Life

Dear Ones,

We are all infinitely creative and although we often think of artistic pursuits when we think of creativity, life itself is the ultimate creation we are all engaged in right now at this moment. Like an artist standing in front of the blank canvas we too have a fresh new opportunity each morning to start creating something wonderful. And as any true artist would tell you, it is the undeniable and delicious movement of inspiration which makes the best art. 

So not so surprisingly a great life requires the same ingredient! There is a vast difference between taking an action because you should, need to or are expected to and a truly inspired action. Inspired action feels good. It feels like I want to do this. There is a positive momentum, so the action itself often feels effortless and gives your heart wings. The time becomes irrelevant too, the whole day might pass but to you it might feel like only one hour went by. You are totally absorbed by the task. You give it your all and the activity itself seems to energise you even more, so you don’t feel tired. You are totally in the present moment and alive!

And we all know how it feels when we come from a place I have to/ need to/ should do this… It’s a totally different story and in many ways the exact opposite of inspired action. Did you also notice the difference with the results – an inspired joyful action bringing us something truly pleasing and “should – action” often creating equally frustrating results?  Energetically this makes perfect sense: As what you put out is what you get back. Always. The inner place we are coming from determines not only the journey itself but the result too. 

So the main question you might be already asking yourself is: How can I experience more inspiration and inspired action in my everyday life? First acknowledge YOU CAN. You already know the difference and your awareness is a great gift already within you. Then give yourself full permission to live this way. Know you are worthy of an inspired life. Know you deserve it. Love yourself enough to set the intention. And then follow your natural interest, your joy, your passion as often as you can. At any crossroads notice your preference and allow yourself to follow it.  Stop forcing things and instead learn to trust the natural waves of inspiration. Give yourself permission to pause and step back when the inspiration is not there. Non action and rest are natural parts of the creative cycle. Does this make sense?

The more you learn to trust your inspiration and inner joy, the less you will invest your energy into projects, people, places and circumstances which are not in alignment with your true self and consequently there will be less and less moments which feel like I should or I have to.. But don’t take my word for it.  If you feel inspired 🙂 put these ideas into practice and see what happens!

I  look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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