Meditation Themes

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Dear Ones,
As we are all going through these pronounced times of change and transformation, many of us start understanding the importance of releasing any difficult past life experience so that we can fully embrace the new higher energies emerging now. Whether you want to call it trauma or challenging life events many human beings go through at this point of human evolution, it is important that we become aware of any inner wounds so that we can heal them. As we can’t change what we do not own. And although denial can be a temporary coping mechanism, it is truth which ultimately sets us free. 

From my experience so far, one of the most effective tools to heal and release the past is forgiveness. Whether we need to forgive ourselves or others, and I would say we usually need to do both, forgiveness is like balm for the soul. It heals us on all levels – physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. It can heal physical illnesses, repair and renew relationships, allow more abundance in your life and help you to find true purpose. 

I love its simplicity. You only need to say I forgive myself or I forgive you and mean it. You can say those powerful words to anyone from the place of inner stillness or meditation as we are all connected energetically in this loving web of Oneness. So you can reach anyone anywhere through the power of your heart, including those who already transitioned back into the non-physical. Your readiness to say those words is the key. You certainly can’t nor need to force yourself to forgive when you are not ready yet but I often feel if only people truly understood how powerful forgiveness is, they would use its magic more willingly and more often. 

I think our readiness to forgive comes to full fruition when we start loving ourselves unconditionally: Embracing all aspects of ourselves including those we might call weaknesses or shortcomings and making peace with our humanity naturally cultivates more compassion for ourselves and others. We start understanding that forgiving is the greatest gift to ourselves as it is our own resentment, hurt, blame and unforgiveness which diminishes and sometimes even destroys our natural well-being. Yes, others will benefit from our forgiveness too but it will be us who will feel often instantly more free, expansive, energetic, joyful and loving.

And so dearest One if you feel inspired and ready to forgive, join us for this week’s meditation. 

I look forward to meditating with you. 

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme The Healing Power of Forgiveness

This Thursday 29th June at 10 am on Zoom & on Saturday 1st July at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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