Meditation Themes

Oneness & Synchronicity

Dear Ones,
I love the way life naturally shows me the highest truths. It becomes more and more obvious to me that life itself is the wisest teacher, a sage, a prophet. It always shows us what we are ready for, ready to understand and learn more about. Once that’s complete and if we keep our heart and mind open, more learning and understanding will be revealed to us in perfect divine timing and perfect divine order. 

One of the strongest beliefs most of us received is that life is somewhat against us and we have to strive to conquer it. And although an active participation of each of us in creating our own destiny is certainly required, life is not meant to be a battle. Especially at this point of our human evolution when very often every challenge we encounter has not only just one solution but many. I am more and more in awe of this divine orchestration: In every situation we encounter there is a gift for us. It’s either visible to everyone or hidden which often means we are shedding the ego and allowing our true nature to emerge more fully and brightly.

It’s so magical when you start noticing all the wonderful synchronicities appearing in your life. When you start seeing clearly how we are all interconnected and related. Maybe not by blood lines but definitely by spirit. It’s a powerful moment in one’s journey of awakening when you see yourself as a part of an organic whole and you see clearly Oneness of all beings. Exactly at the same moment you see that YOU belong, that you are significant, irreplaceable, an integral part of existence, you’ll know it unequivocally about everybody else also. 

You’ll start seeing the previously invisible threads that connect us all. Like cells of one body, like stars in the sky we are all part of something greater, something sacred. No matter what word you give it – the Universe, Source, All-That-Is, Great Spirit, God – once you can really comprehend it not only on an intellectual level but it becomes something you know in your deepest heart, your life will never be the same. 

The previous clearly defined borders between you and others and also the borders between you, your family, friends and others start naturally dissolving. At the same moment you stop creating divisions inside you they start disappearing from your outside reality. You’ll experience that you are a meaningful messenger to others and others are meaningful messengers to you and you delight in this often unexpected exchange. You’ll start having treasured unforgettable moments with “strangers” and notice more and more that what connects us rather than what divides us.
Oneness, Unity and Connection become alive in your daily experience and so is the expansive, joyful and peaceful feeling which naturally comes with it. You know that you expanded beyond the illusory limiting borders of the separate self and it’s a moment to celebrate and a moment to rejoice…

I look forward to meditating with you. 
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme Oneness & Synchronicity

This Saturday 8th July at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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