Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,

I feel it’s time for us to really understand and fully own our innate power. Simply put it is the power of our clear positive focus and the power of our open heart. These two forces combined and closely connected to the power of the Divine can literally create miracles in our individual lives and also in the collective.

The key to access this higher power is a deeper understanding and a crystal clear clarity: When we know unequivocally that we are eternal and infinite beings of light and love, unique aspects of the Divine and that our focus is highly creative we won’t give our power away so easily any more and also become more aware anytime we do so. 

It helps to become very clear about the ways we give our power away and deplete ourselves, as they are often very unconscious. And when we have this clarity, it’s much easier to notice when we waver. Simply put, anytime we slip into victimhood, anytime we listen to the old internal and/or external narrative that something or someone external has power over us. Anytime we have a strong reaction to external circumstances, anytime we complain, blame, feel guilt, anger, frustration, fear or any other negative emotion. 

Being very clear and aware when we slip back into victimhood doesn’t mean we have to judge ourselves and it certainly doesn’t mean to suppress our negative feelings. This would only prolong and perpetuate the vicious circle of victimhood. As the vast majority of us have conditioning which supports patterns of victimhood to bring ourselves back to the truth of self-empowerment, we have to in a sense parent ourselves: Self-love, being gentle with ourselves and loving unconditionally what arises within – which includes all negative emotions – is a sure path back to self-empowerment, healing, transmutation and remembering fully that no one and nothing can take our power away unless we give it away, either consciously or unconsciously.

And when we once again own our power fully returning back to the clear focus of where we are going in life is the next important step. With so much happening in our lives it is far too easy to get distracted and give too much focus and attention to distractions and directions we don’t really want to follow. So being selective with our focus is essential. Simply because wherever we place our attention we place our energy and create more of it, whether wanted or unwanted. 

And so it is good to have the greatest vision for our life which helps us focus clearly. This vision will be naturally updated as we go through life and our priorities change and so it is important to stay real and true to ourselves. So this is helpful to do regularly, noticing if our priorities change, creating a renewed vision and keeping the picture as clear as possible. As the clearer the vision is the easiest it is to focus on it and gather a positive momentum bringing the vision into a full manifestation. 

Being fully self-empowered means also completely letting go of any attachment to outcomes, completely releasing it to the Divine. I often like to use the words when focusing on my vision “this or something even better for the highest good of all.” As the power I am talking about  here has nothing to do with ego control or ego micromanaging. And if we are attached to outcomes that’s exactly what we are doing. Again, we don’t have to judge ourselves when we notice we are in the ego control pattern but instead recognising it, stepping back and once again releasing attachment is all we need to do. 

When we truly understand who we are on the soul level we also understand that letting go is by no means resignation but it is giving the control to the most competent aspect of ourselves – to the Divine within and without. We understand we don’t have to know every single detail on our path and in trust we let the Divine within guide us easily and effortlessly. And when we let go of the ego control, we can fully experience and enjoy all the wonders of the real heart-centred power, all the delightful unexpected twists and adventures we couldn’t even think of or plan, allowing the Divine to surprise us as our path unfolds. We now know with no doubts this is the path of true power for the greatest good of all and we wouldn’t want to walk another path.

I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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