Meditation Themes

The Magic of Gratitude

Dear Ones, 

When we last meditated together on gratitude I was surprised and overwhelmed by a feeling of immense gratitude simply for the gift of life itself. I was expecting to feel gratitude perhaps for certain aspects of my life but instead I received a new level of enlightening insight. 

It’s easy to forget that life is the greatest gift as human experience can certainly be very varied to say the least. And spiritual insights are often hard to put into words. They come with certain energy and clear innate knowing. It feels like the veil has been lifted and somehow you see more than ever before. Even looking at the exact same reality you suddenly see it from a new higher perspective. 

And so I could see how easy it is to take our human life for granted but it is in fact a miracle. Just the gift of life itself, regardless of what each of us does with it:  Our human experience is always brimming with possibilities, surprises and magic. But we cannot experience what we are not the vibration of. Our external reality always reflects the internal one. And so when gratitude and appreciation becomes our way of living, we first experience the richness and delights of life internally and in perfect divine timing the external reality will reflect and reveal them too. 
We reach the sweetest spot when appreciation becomes the easiest and most natural place for us to be regardless any external circumstances: When we are one step closer to unconditional happiness, when we know with no doubt that life is always on our side and that existence always presents us with gifts and blessings, whether they are obvious or hidden in challenges and opportunities for inner growth. 

This deeper understanding and high perspective offers us such stability, peace and joy nothing external can ever give us. We no longer unconsciously wait for “something great” to happen so we can temporarily feel happy. We don’t demand the external reality to change, we no longer push against the unwanted but instead are able to see blessings everywhere we look. Then paradoxically we are like powerful magicians and sorcerers transmuting reality just through our positive perspective. No longer slaves to external conditions or events, we reach a new level of self-empowerment and understanding that we are ALREADY loved, cherished and blessed on so many levels.

And so dearest One, no matter where you are on this magnificent path of gratitude and appreciation, let’s meditate on it together one more time so that the doors of magical possibilities can be wide open.  I look forward to meditating with you!

 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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