Meditation Themes

The Power Of Your Imagination 

Dear Ones,

I believe dreaming and imagination is our natural state. We know it as children, using our rich and vivid imagination often and seamlessly playing make-believe. And so the world of imagination is very familiar to all of us. I believe that’s not by chance. As the soul takes the most brave step and dives into the physical reality, she is guided and supported in every step she takes. Most importantly by life itself and how it unfolds. It’s like you are on a treasure hunt and many clues are guiding you to find the treasure. So life too gives us clues about which way to go and what to do. And if we can stay present we won’t miss them. 

It’s not by chance that for the first years of life we are left with powerful imagination and also playfulness and wanting to have fun. I don’t believe we are meant to discard those qualities at a certain age. Yes, we are certainly meant to leave childhood toys behind and move towards adulthood and maturity. But we don’t have to think less of imagination, fun and playfulness and consider them immature or unnecessary. On the contrary, those qualities are meant to grow and mature with us. And if we meet genuinely happy people, we notice that imagination, playfulness and sense of fun are still very much alive within them. 

Creative powers of our spirit talk to us through our imagination. Our imagination also shows us our potential and what we are to create in life. Allowing ourselves to daydream is one of the most powerful ways to access the field of infinite possibilities and so daydreaming is widely misunderstood and often undervalued. Again as children we innately know this and are often blissfully lost in daydreaming. We enter the realm of pure imagination and simply enjoy the flight. To be able to fully enter the world of imagination, we have to feel light like a feather. At least for a moment we have to leave the world of shoulds and shouldn’ts behind and also our ego agendas and ego control as we instinctively know it would weigh us down and free expansive dreaming would be impossible. It all happens quickly and instinctively, somehow we all know how to do this. And you never know where your imagination will take you. It’s like going on an adventure and not having everything planned. You might be inspired to go up, down, right, left. It’s free flowing. And so there is innocence, openness and total freedom in the world of imagination. We touch the soul very closely and experience what is made of. 

Energetically, imagining, envisioning our intentions is very powerful. Especially if we can be light and allow imagination to freely create pictures for us. And when we are at the same time in high vibration – peaceful, joyful, content, happy or excited, we often receive images which surprise, delight or even enlighten us. We can choose those which truly resonate with us and set them as clear intentions. 

To stay in high vibration we then release completely these images and intentions to the Divine. Again like children we co-create with the Divine and simply enjoy the presence of the Divine playmate. No longer getting stuck in old patterns of isolation, hard work, heaviness, fear or control we allow the Divine to step in and take our images even further to surprise and delight us even further. We now know that paradise doesn’t close the door on us unless we do so ourselves.

 I look forward to meditating with you.
 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

Join us for meditation about: The Power Of Your Imagination tomorrow at 11.30 am at Tree Of Life Centre In Hove & On Zoom! Beginners are welcome.

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