Meditation Themes


Dear Ones,

trust and trusting is such a beautiful energy. It creates inner harmony and alignment and helps us to move through life more easily and joyfully. I am becoming increasingly aware that life is here for us and never against us. We all already have everything within us we need to move forward in life. And the current of our life is already carrying us in the perfect direction and when we can trust this current we release all resistance and more joy is our reward. 

The conditioning often gives us an unconscious message that we have to “make life work” but when we shift our perspective into acknowledging that life already works for us, we naturally relax more about “getting it right” and consequently start seeing opportunities, gifts and blessings everywhere and paradoxically we then get it right more often. So it’s not so much about life suddenly becoming our friend but rather seeing clearly, perhaps even for the first time what has been in front of our eyes all this time – that life already is our friend. 

We then start noticing all the magical divine orchestrations and synchronicities happening on our behalf. We realise that like magnets we already attract everything and everyone into our lives who is there for a reason. And if we can stay in a positive state, knowing that life naturally takes care of us, we will always be able to harness each little gift, even those hidden in life’s challenges. 

This doesn’t mean being in denial or calling something objectively negative positive. It’s rather recognising that each of us is forever connected to the Divine or better said is an unique aspect of the Divine and this bright light is forever within each of us no matter how dim it might seem at times and is always guiding us forward.

Trust helps us to stay self-empowered which is one of the most important things we are learning at this point of human evolution. When we are not trusting and often quite unconsciously start affirming that life is against us, we activate the energy of victimhood. And when we are in the energy of victimhood we can only experience a downward spiral. 

We often take this very personally but it’s more like a neutral energy law, it simply applies to all of us: A genuinely positive perspective, positive states of mind and self-empowerment takes us in life higher and higher and the victimhood creates the opposite life experience. Taking this personally often creates more drama, so when we know that this is actually not personal we naturally feel more at ease, are less reactive and self-empowerment often becomes our most dominant state. And so is trusting no matter what’s happening in our life. 

When we let go of judgment we are more like birds learning to fly higher and higher. We let go of right and wrong, comparisons to others and also the ego agendas. We simply know when we are in inner alignment and harmony and when not and we now know what to do about it. Yes, it might take us some time to master this but if we won’t give up we know we”ll always get there. In perfect divine timing and perfect divine ways. We choose to trust… I look forward to meditating with you..  

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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