Meditation Themes

You Are Free & Autonomous

Dear Ones,

Most of us were conditioned to believe that our freedom depends on the outside circumstances and so we are programmed to believe that when all external conditions are perfect we will feel free. But many of us are now realising that it is exactly the other way around: Because our external reality is only a reflection of the internal reality, if we are not free within we will never be free without. 

When I ask people about the highest vision for their lives they often start bringing limitations even into the first sketches of their inner picture. It’s like you train a wild horse to stay in a paddock and then you take the fence away and the once wild free horse stays tamely within the boundaries of no longer existing fence. It’s very humorous but it sums up what conditioning often does to us: We stop seeking freedom even in the moments when the possibility of it is literally in front of our eyes. 

And although we all chose the early conditioning on the soul level and so we are by all means no victims, our inner growth is so much about letting go of the learnt conditioned version of ourselves and rediscover the true, untamed, free and luminous being we all are. And so we are awakening to what we already know on the soul level, that each of us is autonomous and free. 

The societal structures in the past functioned from a false premise based in fear which said: “We have to have these structures in place so that something doesn’t go wrong.” But anything based in fear is not sustainable and ultimately against life and so we’ll witness all these old societal structures crumbling one by one. 

The new sustainable ones will emerge through all of us, through our love and freedom: Each of us has to first fully understand and rediscover our own autonomy and personal freedom so that we can reimagine and create the world based on freedom and no longer on fear. And so we live in truly exciting times as we are about to discover the supreme intelligence and harmony of true freedom. 

When we let go of old fear which told us stories about freedom being reckless, frivolous or selfish, we’ll uncover the organising principle within freedom. We’ll understand on a deeper level that humanity can be like a flock of birds moving freely, effortlessly and in the most coordinated movement together, a flock where there is no one exclusive leader and many followers but instead everyone is self-empowered and connected to the higher intelligence orchestrating everything.  

We are now remembering that freedom is at the core of our true nature: Source grants all of us freedom to choose. At its core true freedom means allowing ourselves to be who we are and live in harmony with ourselves. And when we can live in harmony with ourselves we’ll know how to live in harmony with our human brothers and sisters as we all fit perfectly together as unique pieces of the puzzle creating one stunning picture. 

Freedom is very closely connected to truth. If we trust and follow our inner truth, when we are authentic we naturally create a life where we feel free. Yes, it can mean that we create a life of absolute abundance but it can also mean that we see the life we live in freedom and authenticity as abundant even though others might perceive it as very humble.

And  so it’s good to remember that the roots of our freedom are always within. Even if it looks on the outside that we don’t have freedom, we’ll always have freedom to choose our thoughts. In the world of duality we can trace all our thoughts to two roots – love or fear. Thoughts based on love always create more expansive energy and freedom in both of our personal lives and also the collective and the thoughts based on fear always create contractive energy and limit our life experience further. 

The choice is up to each of us. As we’ve always been and always will be free. Free to choose…I look forward to meditating with you.

 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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