Meditation Themes

Summer Solstice & The Light Within

Dear Ones,

As we are reaching the energy peak of the year, the Summer Solstice, the first day of summer and the longest day of the year, it’s a good time to connect to the light both within and without. We all know that without the light of the sun life on our planet would be impossible. And without bright inner light there is no real joy in our lives. 

And so as we revere the sun let’s bow together also to the Light within and allow ourselves to shine brighter than ever before. For our own joy and the joy of those around us. The soul itself is often described as light and those of us who meditate often experience an increase of inner light when in deep meditative states. And so my message to you today, dearest One, is to tend to the light within and bring it consciously wherever you go. 

You might already have a ritual of lightening the candle to create a sacred space. But let’s remember today that the light is always shining in our inner sanctuary. No matter how dim it might seem to be at times, the flame of our infinite being burns eternally. And through self-care, daily meditation practice and setting intentions we can tend to the inner flame in effective ways and make it stronger and stronger every day.  

It takes only one candle to bring light into a dark room. And so each of us is a powerful being of light and love and especially when we are in the higher states of deep peace, joy, inspiration and happiness our light shines brightly and we can uplift others just by our mere presence.

Many of you who are reading these words are here to also uplift others and contribute to humanity in some ways and thanks to the false belief many of us received in our childhood, you might often put yourself last. And perhaps sometimes to the extent that your own inner light becomes weaker. So it’s good to remind yourself that if you want to be truly beneficial to others you can’t skip yourself in this kind and generous giving. 

Especially at these times when we are and we’ll be experiencing so many changes, it’s good to put self-care as your daily priority so you can be a consistent and stable beacon of light for yourself and others. So give yourself kindly and every day whatever brings you genuine joy, light and lightness and then just allow your joy overflow naturally and effortlessly to others.

There is a supreme intelligence in true happiness. When you are genuinely happy, you just know what to say or do to enhance your life and the life of those around you. When you allow the inner light to take over your life, the Divine moves through you in the most beautiful and creative ways for your highest good and the highest good of others. Through the power of your bright light the Divine then orchestrates many magical synchronicities for your delight and the delight of others. 

And so, dearest One, today might be a perfect divine timing for you to let go of any old, outdated and often unconscious beliefs that you have to struggle and work hard to make your life work. Instead at this powerful time of summer solstice affirm that life already works for you and allow your inner light to be your guide. Remember, you are the light of the world…

I look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation with the theme:  The Summer Solstice

On Thursday 20th June at 10 am on Zoom and Saturday 22nd June at 11.30 * am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove & on Zoom. (* GMT)

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