Meditation Themes

Guidance Of Your Higher Self

Dear Ones,

there is a part of you which already KNOWS answers to all your questions. The highest truths are often in the paradox. On one hand we are open ended, ever evolving and can always grow further. On the other hand there is an aspect of us forever connected to Source. Each of us is a unique aspect of Source and each of us has access to the supreme wisdom of Source. 

Most of us were not taught to listen and trust this inner wisdom. In fact we were often given messages to look for external guidance. There is nothing wrong with consulting or seeking advice as we are all sometimes too absorbed and identified with our own story so it can be difficult to see clearly. It’s like we are creating a painting of our life and now standing too close to the picture and focusing on each singular brushstroke so that we stop seeing the bigger picture. And so consulting a wise person we can trust can be like stepping further and seeing the bigger picture. 

But any external guidance will be the most beneficial when we first have confidence in ourselves, our own inner guidance. Then we will be able to discern accurately what guidance truly serves us and what is better not to follow. Then you are like the queen or the king of your own kingdom. Sure and confident in your own decision making you may be consulting your advisers but ultimately you trust your own authority and wisdom to make the final decision. If you don’t have enough confidence in yourself, you might give more importance to the external opinion than is ultimately good for you. 

And so this week’s meditation is an opportunity for you to strengthen this relationship to your inner wisdom and to this aspect of you which already KNOWS. However you want to call it – your higher self, your true nature or your Divine essence, it is within you right now. It knows you intimately. It knows your soul journey. It knows your soul’s intention for this lifetime. It knows the highest path you can take from this point forward. The path which brings you the greatest joy, love and growth. It has been always guiding you and it is guiding you right now. So this is not something you have to make happen or learn from scratch. 

One of the first steps you can take right now is to fully acknowledge this supreme inner intelligence. Affirm its existence. You could also affirm that you are ready to listen now on a more conscious level. Your intentions are very powerful. And your intention to be receptive to your inner wisdom is already creating opportunities for your to fine tune this inner communication.

Then you could ask your higher self to give you an answer to a question. And then just let go. Release the question entirely. Allow the answer to come to you naturally, easily and effortlessly. This is not a thinking process. And it is definitely not an overthinking process. You might receive the answer in the moment you least expect it. It could be when you take a shower, on your walk or when you drive. It could come in the form of an image, insight, thought. feeling or knowing. And it will come with energy which is uplifting, energising, inspiring as your higher self always speaks to you from a place of love and not fear. There is no better voice to listen to than the voice of love, the voice of wisdom, the voice of your higher self…

I look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation this Saturday 13th July at 11.30 am at Tree Of Life Centre in Hove and on Zoom. The theme: The Guidance Of Your Higher Self

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