Meditation Themes


“When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” Lao Tzu

Dear Ones, 

there is such richness within all of us, so many gifts, talents, the beauty of our very unique personalities. There is so much richness all around also…Mother Earth in her supreme intelligence and creativity never repeating herself – giving us everything to rejoice. But when we start taking it all for granted, we close the door not only to inner joy and vitality but also to abundance and prosperity most of us desire. It’s easy to get there, as not many of us grew up around adults who would intentionally foster awe and appreciation for life. The good news is, it doesn’t take too much to refocus, especially when you really understand how powerful your focus is. And even the slightest shift in your perspective means actually a whole new perspective of life which will be then mirrored back to you in many wonderful ways. That’s a moment when you truly use your free will and your power, the most magnificent gifts which were given to you for a reason. So this week take time and notice the richness within and the richness without. Do so with appreciation, with reverence, with deep respect for all life. And very soon you’ll see that your magic is back, you’ll feel blessed again…
I look forward to meditating with you soon. 
Lots of love,
Jana x x

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