Meditation Themes

Living an Abundant Life

Dear Ones,
If you are reading these words the chances are that you are one of the brave souls who came to bring the New Earth into reality. Most of us on this journey were conditioned into thoughts of limitations but at some point of our life we could see through the veils of limited beliefs and saw the true greatness and magnificence of reality. And even if this was just a brief insight we couldn’t go back to business as usual. We realised that the reality is not what we were told it was and our thirst and curiosity to know the truth set us on the adventurous and glorious journey of awakening. 

We realise that we don’t see the world as it is but as we are. In other words the external world is a reflection of the inner world and so if we want to see any lasting changes externally we always have to go first within and create them internally first. And so any greater societal changes are literally being born through each of us. 

Our beliefs are like the blueprint of the new world we all desire. Whether in our personal lives or in a greater global community we realise we can’t build the new world using the blueprint of old beliefs. As our awakening progresses we see clearly how free we really are at the core of our being and that everything in our life is by choice. We also start seeing that many of our choices we made so far were unconscious and so we start making more conscious choices about everything in our lives and especially what we choose to believe. Realising that this is the most important choice we could ever make, consequently influencing all the other choices we make in life.

It is like rebuilding an old house. As we are looking at the blueprint of each area of the house – of our life and the beliefs creating our life experience, we can see that some serve us well and we can also see clearly those which don’t. We realise it’s actually quite simple: Any beliefs based on fear, lack and limitation are just birthing the same energy in our lives over and over – more fear, lack and limitation. 

And so we simply start making new positive choices. We are now choosing the beliefs based on love, joy, freedom and abundance. And like seeds of beautiful flowers once we plant them we start seeing them grow, flourish and bear fruits.

We see more clearly than ever before that if we want to create abundance and prosperity in our lives we can’t engage in and perpetuate thoughts of lack, not enough, fear and limitation. As these thoughts are seeds bearing bitter fruit we don’t want to eat any more. And perhaps for the first time in our lives we can see that we don’t have to.

We understand that if we choose to see the world as benevolent and abundant, this will be our experience too. If we choose to believe that we are worthy and deserve to live an abundant life, we will. If we choose to appreciate what we have already, more will be given to us. And if we choose to believe that we have enough to share, we receive more gifts to share with our human brothers and sisters, again and again experiencing a magnificent flow of infinite abundance.

And so dearest One, what are you choosing to believe today? I look forward to meditating with you.

Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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