Meditation Themes

Loving Yourself Unconditionally

Dear Ones,

I believe growing in self-love and self-worth is such a beautiful journey.  As we gradually embrace all aspects of ourselves, we understand more and more that we don’t have to be perfect to be lovable. In fact, love requiring us to be perfect is not only unrealistic but also very conditional and so not love at all. And so we learn that it is actually the other way around: When we truly open the heart to ourselves, embracing all aspects of ourselves we discover that we are already perfect, perfect in all our human imperfections. 

We learn to love not only our divinity but also our humanity. And when we do that we free ourselves from the harsh dictatorship of judgement. We finally understand that we deserve love simply because we exist. And when we love ourselves consistently we start noticing the wondrous healing powers of true self-love. Like a child who is loved unconditionally finds herself worthy of a good life and is thriving, we too start naturally opening to all good things life has to offer and allow ourselves to receive and thrive. 

The healing power of self-love heals any wounds of fear and insecurities and so we ground ourselves in our innate and natural self-worth. Through the eyes of self-love we can see clearly the great gift of our uniqueness and all the gifts and talents we bring into the world just by being ourselves and we learn to trust these gifts and share them with the greater community.

In self-love we fully embrace our inner authority knowing that although others can give us helpful feedback or advice, the ultimate decisions are always in our hands, so we no longer give our power away and no longer affirm victimhood. We learn to trust our authenticity and truly treasure the voice of inner truth guiding us forward and in our everyday choices. 

Finally, we realise that self-love is not only for our highest good but also the highest good of all because when our own cup is full it naturally and effortlessly overflows to others: The less we judge ourselves the less we judge others, the more we respect our own inner truth, the more we respect the authentic voice of others. And so naturally the love we give ourselves doesn’t stop at the borders of our being but expands further and further until all living beings are in our heart. 

And so self-love guides us ultimately to realisation of oneness, that we are all interconnected: One manifested as many.  When we understand on a deeper level that what we do to others we literally do to ourselves, the wars are no longer possible. Self-love then leads not only to our own inner peace but in the greater sense creates peace on Earth. 

And so, dearest One, are you ready to join this inner quiet revolution and love yourself unconditionally?  

I  look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 
Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation this Saturday 24th August at 11.30 am both on Zoom and at the Tree Of Life Centre in Hove with the theme: Loving Yourself Unconditionally.

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