Meditation Themes

The Power of Your Attitude

Dear Ones,

Sometimes all we need is just to take a deep breath, step back and look at the bigger picture. We all can get lost in the details or distractions of life at times and refocusing on the basic truths can help us to find a new fresh perspective and also unshakable inner stability. 

Our perspective is so important simply because our perspective is highly creative. The meaning we give to things will determine how we experience them. In other words what we put out we get back. And so anytime we lose perspective, have a strong emotional response to a situation, feel overwhelmed by life or just confused, we can make a conscious choice to step back and reset.

 What we are resetting is our energetic point of attraction as our feelings and emotions show whether our point of attraction in any given moment is positive or negative. This includes attracting our own thoughts and also people, situations and circumstances. We don’t have to judge ourselves when we have a negative reaction to life and experience feelings of anger, anxiety, upset, disappointment, discouragement or fear. We also don’t have to suppress those feelings or dump them on others but instead we can learn to hold unconditional love for ourselves and embrace and welcome all our emotions with no judgement. This teaches us to fully embrace our humanity and so any challenge in life offers an immensely valuable opportunity for growth and deepening the relationship to ourselves. 

When we adopt this unconditionally loving attitude towards ourselves, we can embrace any challenges we encounter with more ease and flow and transform them much quicker and more effortlessly. This way we are literally being our own best friend and giving ourselves unconditional support we all deserve. Life which acts as a magnifying glass or reflective mirror of our internal life will in return reflect this friendship back to us and so we’ll experience one of the basic truths that we already live in a loving and supportive universe. And with this positive attitude, with this high perspective there is no problem which can’t be solved or an issue which can’t be resolved.

It’s good to know that no matter how things look on the surface there is always a higher perspective available to us and we CAN choose it. Ultimately, one of the highest perspectives we can find is knowing that we are Source and Source is us. 

And so you as a unique aspect of Source, of the Divine share the same powers with the Divine and are much more powerful than you might realise right now. And when you zoom out into this highest and broadest perspective of who you are and at the same time take full responsibility for all creations in your life, both positive and negative, you will realise that anything which was created by you can also be uncreated by you if that’s something you don’t wish to experience any more. 

To be able to rise to this high perspective you have to let go of victim consciousness and blaming others or yourself. This is important because victim consciousness will always disempower you and consequently there will be no power left for you to create in such a way you would like to – in joy and inspiration. 

It can be helpful to see our life, all our manifestations in life as an artwork we create. So if you feel inspired, dearest One, take a moment and see yourself as an artist, perhaps a painter and your life is a picture you are painting on the canvas. Can you step back and have a look and see how you like this painting of your life so far? Is there anything you would like to change? If yes, as an artist you would know that you CAN change it. Perhaps paint over the current picture or take a new canvas and create something new from scratch. Either way, you wouldn’t collapse into victimhood and feelings of blame, guilt, regret or shame but you would simply let your inspiration, imagination and joy guide your new brush strokes.

 And that’s exactly what you can do with your own life. Anytime. Your life is your own and all you need is within you right now. You can change it. For the better. You are powerful. And your power lies in your perspective. 

 I look forward to meditating with you.

 Lots of love, 
Jana xx

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