Meditation Themes

Believe In Yourself

“As soon as you trust yourself, you’ll know how to live. “ Johann Wolfgang Goethe 


Dear One, 

when you truly believe in yourself, your life becomes magical…And as we’ll be now witnessing the old world dismantling and the new gradually emerging, one of the things we’ll all start understanding more and more is that there is no competition. This is only one of the distorted beliefs of the old world we are ready to release now. The truth is, we are all equal, we all have very unique gifts and we all are in this together as we are all connected through this beautiful web of unconditional love called Oneness…And as we realise more and more this immense innate value within every living being we’ll naturally start believing in ourselves more too.

Now this is not about your perfection. Perfection is an illusion, it doesn’t exist. We all are open-ended, beautifully flawed and with unlimited potential for growth. Yes, you can certainly become a higher and higher version of yourself and when you follow that trail, life becomes very satisfying and joyful. But there’ll always be a growing edge and “an unfinished business” of some kind, so the sooner you’ll make peace with it the better…

If you can learn to love yourself unconditionally, gently but persistently encouraging yourself, you’ll be blossoming, you’ll be thriving, you’ll be happy. Source believes in you already, your Angels too, so if you ever want to ask anyone how well you are doing, ask them. People will always be able to believe in you to the same extent they believe in themselves, so learn not to rely on their judgment of you. It could potentially take you away from your own path. 

It is for you and only you to discover what your life is truly about. That doesn’t mean that you can’t ask trusted people for support or inspiration, but you still have to see if their opinions truly resonate with your deepest heart or not. The infinite wisdom of your heart is where all your answers are and whether they will manifest through someone else’s words or your own insights is secondary. Your heart simply knows. 

So as many of us are pushed now to do things differently, be flexible and creative with finding new ways in our everyday life, notice what it reveals about you. Maybe a new interest arises, a new passion, new insights about who you and your life is about. If it does, choose to trust it, don’t doubt it this time. This is a sacred time of awakening to who you truly are and more than ever before it’s important that you believe in yourself.

I do believe in you. I know that there is something very precious, very unique about you. I know there is something only you can give to this world. I know that there is a reason that Source manifested as You. I also know that you are irreplaceable. You belong. And there is a reason you chose to be here at this time of such a profound change and transformation…I believe in you…But the most important question is: Can you believe in yourself, dearest One?

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom,

Lots of love,

Jana x x

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