Meditation Themes


“The very centre of your heart is where life begins – the most beautiful place on earth.” Rumi


Dear One,

I am so looking forward to having an ABSOLUTE trust in Source and therefore in myself, as those two are so closely connected…An absolute trust in Divine is surely one of the signs of true enlightenment…But as much as I sometimes want to rush and speed up my inner growth I also more and more understand that the journey is the destination and that we all came here for the journey itself…

And so as I pause now I feel so much appreciation for the almost 🙂 absolute trust I have at this point of my life. I love that the trust now grows within me with such a beautiful consistency….And consequently there is a growing inner stability, peace, serenity and harmony. Definitely one of my dreams coming true! 

Reflecting on my life I feel so much gratitude and thankfulness for everyone who has helped me on my sacred journey of awakening so far. And it’s been quite a journey! Just when I see myself as a young student studying towards a master’s degree and questioning nearly everything and everyone, including myself, I can really see how far I’ve come…I was caught in my mind and its many traps without truly realising it…Yes I am still a thinker and I love pondering the mysteries of life, but my mind doesn’t rule me and my life any more. Thank God! And I mean it literally 🙂 

It is my deepest heart now and its intelligence, sensitivity and impeccable guidance which leads the way…And there really is no better teacher than life itself. And so I know what it means to take decisions based nearly entirely in rational thinking and I know what it means to experience the consequences of such choices. And I also know the glorious joy when I align with the infinite wisdom of my heart and let it guide me forward. Trusting my heart, trusting Source, trusting this beautiful loving supportive Universe… 

Trust always leads to more trust and doubt always leads to more doubt. And before trust and faith are the most dominant energies within you guiding you forward, there will be many crossroads where you can either choose doubt and get trapped in the momentum of rationalising, overthinking and over-analysing or you can simply choose to trust and have faith and see what happens. 

And what happens, might be something your mind couldn’t have ever conceived or predicted…What happens might be something so fresh and so new that it gives you wings again and a new love for life…What happens might be you believing in yourself and your path with such conviction that no one and nothing can sway you from it any more…

I look forward to meditating with you on Zoom!

Lots of love,
Jana x x 

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