Meditation Themes

True Confidence

Dear Ones,

There is so much each of us has to offer to humanity. When we believe in ourselves, in our gifts and talents, in the gift of our personality and last but not least in the gift of our divinity we can easily and joyfully share our light with the world.

At this exciting point of human evolution we are awakening to full recognition of who we are. We are remembering our divinity and also our innate value of simply being who we are.  For the majority this has been forgotten for many centuries and believing in lack and limitation became the most dominant state of being. And so many people were held back by the negative beliefs that they were insignificant, that they couldn’t change their lives and that they couldn’t make a difference in the world.As negative beliefs create boundaries we cannot cross as long as we hold onto those beliefs, many live within the very small limited boundaries of what they believe is possible. 

Although negative beliefs are false, illusory and not based in truth, if we believe them we infuse them with power and literally  bring them to life. Simply because we are all powerful creators and what we say goes. Our beliefs, our inner monologue, our thoughts are then out – pictured in our external reality and create the stories of our lives. And so ultimately we become the story we keep telling ourselves. 

And although with no doubt these truly revolutionary times offer a real possibility of awakening to the power within and allowing it to transform our lives and the world, this requires awareness. It requires awareness, focus and discipline to notice those negative stories we keep telling ourselves and learn to drop them instead of constantly infusing them with more power by listening to them, believing them, giving them our attention or even speaking them aloud as we engage with others.  As where our attention goes our creative energy flows. 

Anytime we engage with negative patterns such as worrying, and give our immense creative power to those negative stories we experience them as real, as negative feeling, physical discomfort or depletion. 

I believe this by design as within each of us is an eternal spark of life always reaching for happiness and guiding us in the right direction. And if we are sensitive to the way our own thinking makes us feel we’ll easily distinguish the difference between feeling of worrying or imagining our dreams becoming a reality: The first depletes us, the second energises us. 

And if we truly love ourselves this is already a reason enough to consciously choose the second. But the effect of engaging with negative thoughts doesn’t stop only with creating negative feelings, it creates our external reality too. When we know this unequivocally we’ll naturally start consciously choosing that which uplifts, nourishes and energises us.  

Instead of thoughts of self-doubts and worry we choose and practice new thoughts:  I CAN, I am capable. I am wonderful. I am powerful. I am magic. These thoughts based in truth of who we really are will naturally strengthen us from within and move the previously limited boundaries of what we believed to be possible further and further until the sky’s the limit. We’ll start experiencing what true confidence feels like.  Discovering that genuine confidence always comes from within, remembering and fully recognising our true value and is no longer based on seeking any external approval or validation. 

This kind of confidence gives us a stable, unshakable base to pursue our dreams and even our mission in life regardless of what others might think of it. Instead of seeking external approval and validation we’ll know by the amount of joy, inspiration and fulfilment whether we are on the right track or not. 

And so if you feel inspired, dearest One, talk to yourself like you would to someone you totally believe in and see the magic of true confidence emerging within you. You CAN. You are capable. You are wonderful. You are powerful. You are magic. 

I look forward to meditating with you.
Lots of love, 

Jana xx

You are very welcome to join us for meditation this Saturday 7th September at 11.30 am both on Zoom and at the Tree Of Life Centre in Hove with the theme: True Confidence.

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